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Topic: Today I had the most Windows-like hassle free experience on Linux when...  (Read 299 times) previous topic - next topic
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Today I had the most Windows-like hassle free experience on Linux when...

...buying new peripherals.

I bought a cheap offbrand Chinese gayming mouse today. It worked fine plugged just as is, but it has a windows utility that controls the mouse firmware so for shits and giggles I installed that in wine, and when I launched it, I expected it to crash randomly or just not detect the mouse at all.

But it actually did work. And when I changed some settings I noticed the mouse was being reprogrammed! Never expected this kind of stuff to work with wine...

This is the piece of shit in question:
Yes, it's all in Polish, but actually this is just a front "brand" that imports cheap shit from China and slaps it's logo onto it. If you look through the firmware utility (red button that says "Pobierz sterowniki" > "Download drivers") you'll see that it's riddled with Chinese characters.

Re: Today I had the most Windows-like hassle free experience on Linux when...

Reply #1
Wine to the rescue!  They sure have accomplished a lot.
Cat Herders of Linux