OpenRC XFCE apps stop launching randomly 20 December 2024, 15:11:01 2 days ago I installed artix-base-openrc and download xfce. the issue is that all apps randomly stops launching. After relogin or restart everything is then fine. EX: i logged in. now during work no matter if im browsing or writing code, when i try to open an app, it wont open and i had to relogin or restart for it to solve. After restart or re-login every app starts to launch again without changing anything.
Re: OpenRC XFCE apps stop launching randomly Reply #1 – 20 December 2024, 15:45:49 What output do you get when starting said app from a terminal?artist
Re: OpenRC XFCE apps stop launching randomly Reply #2 – 20 December 2024, 18:32:25 Quote from: Artist – on 20 December 2024, 15:45:49What output do you get when starting said app from a terminal?artistdidn't tried to run an app from terminal other than Firefox which gave no output . FYI, the browser sometimes takes too long to launch and sometimes doesn't launch until i restart or re-login. when that happens and i run firefox command, nothing happens. but when i click on the browser icon i saved in panel,nothing happens and then after a minute i get error messages saying that firefox/librewolf is already running but not responding and then browser launches. but when this happens, all other apps also stops to launch
Re: OpenRC XFCE apps stop launching randomly Reply #3 – 20 December 2024, 23:21:28 What is the output of:- pacman -Q|grep xdg-desktop-portal- env|grep 'GTK\|QT'- rc-statusartist