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Topic: Can't start MATE desktop if I change my login shell from /usr/bin/zsh to anythin (Read 193 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't start MATE desktop if I change my login shell from /usr/bin/zsh to anythin

Hi, as soon as I change my user's login shell from zsh , logout and try login (lightdm or startx), then
mate-session will error out and complaint about can not open display (from .xsession-errors file,
there's just one line of this log, no other information in it ). How to troubleshoot?

#### Steps to reproduce the behaviour
mate desktop starts ok;
changed user login shell from /usr/bin/zsh from /usr/bin/bash or fish
try login again (either from lightdm or startx)
mate-session will not start anymore

#### MATE general version
1.28.2 arch linux

#### Package version
sudo pacman -Qo mate-session     
/usr/bin/mate-session is owned by mate-session-manager 1.28.0-2

#### Linux Distribution
Artix dinit

Re: Can't start MATE desktop if I change my login shell from /usr/bin/zsh to anythin

Reply #1
This sounds like a user setup issue. To verify, create a new user without any setup and test via startx.

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