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Topic: Windscribe install (Read 910 times) previous topic - next topic
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Windscribe install

Hello, I am trying to install the title's app without result. I have installed windscribe-v2-bin or windscribe-beta-bin  from aur. But both of them cannot run. I am trying to install windscribe-runit with no success. I am taking the below messages

->No AUR package found for windscribe-cli
 -> could not find all required packages: windscribe-cli

            windscribe-cli status
Aborting: app did not start in time
Can someone give me an idea on this?                            

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #1
Hello, I am trying to install the title's app without result. I have installed windscribe-v2-bin or windscribe-beta-bin  from aur. But both of them cannot run. I am trying to install windscribe-runit with no success. I am taking the below messages
->No AUR package found for windscribe-cli
 -> could not find all required packages: windscribe-cli
            windscribe-cli status
Aborting: app did not start in time
Can someone give me an idea on this?                            

Unfortunately, the GUI clients for several commercial VPNs, such as Windscribe and Proton VPN, depend on systemd. The Windscribe’s GUI client is open source but, unless someone takes the effort to port it, you won't be able to use it on distros that use other init systems.

You can manually download the windscribe-cli package from and install it using pacman to see if it fixes your issue or not. I tried it before on my Artix+OpenRC system and it didn't work for me but that was a long time ago.

If you have a subscription for Windscribe, the best option for you is to download their Wireguard or OpenVPN configs and use them on Artix Linux.

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #2
I have the free plan so there aren't wireguard and OpenVPN configurations. Unfortunatelly the manual installation of windscribe-cli didn't solve the issue. I also have vpn-unlimited subscription but the app cannot be installed through AUR. The boost174 has the following errors:

Code: [Select]
ERROR: One or more files failed the validity check!
-> error making: boost174-exit status 1
 -> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:
boost174-libs - exit status 1
Could I transfer VPN-Unlimited and Boost174 from an older Artix installation where they work correctly? Which files or folders should I copy to make them function on my new system?

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #3
If you look at the issues on the github there are people claiming to have it working on Mx Linux with SysVInit so it seems it is possible.
I haven't looked much into it but I think you'd have to compile your own version as the binaries contained in the Windscribe provided Arch package at link to (this includes windscribe-cli)

I'd be very dubious of the AUR package windscribe-v2-bin as it's sourcing the Arch package from so could be anything ?

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #4
torguard works.

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #5
I have the free plan so there aren't wireguard and OpenVPN configurations. Unfortunatelly the manual installation of windscribe-cli didn't solve the issue.
Honestly, the burden of fixing this issue is on the developers of Windscribe. The Windscribe's GUI client for Linux is a joke! I remember back in the day I couldn't run Windscribe because it was hard coded against a version of polkit that was only available on Debian’s stable repo and I was using Debian Sid. I suggest that you open an issue on their GitHub page. This way, they will know that they have customers who use systemd-free distros.

I also have vpn-unlimited subscription but the app cannot be installed through AUR.
Never heard of this VPN before. Be careful! Free VPNs are mostly spyware. I personally don't use any of these shady VPNs. It's so easy to create your own VPN using a Linux VPS. Renting a VPS is also often cheaper than buying a VPN subscription and you will have full control over your data.

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #6
ovh has 100mb for 12$ for a year

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #7
There is a package in the AUR database! It is not a fake service! I think...!

I will open an issue on the Github page.

Can someone help me with installing Boost 1.74?
Which VPN service do you use? I also use FastestVPN, but I’m experiencing a DNS leak even after setting the company's DNS server address...

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #8
There is a package in the AUR database! It is not a fake service! I think...!
Anybody can upload stuff in the AUR. Being in the AUR doesn't guarantee that a package is safe to install. AUR packages could be malicious programs or spyware. I always check the PKGBUILD before installing anything from the AUR.
Which VPN service do you use? I also use FastestVPN, but I’m experiencing a DNS leak even after setting the company's DNS server address...
I don't use any paid or free VPNs. The truth is that VPNs don't do anything for you apart from giving you deniability due to being used by multiple people. I usually rent a VPS and create my own VPN. There are plenty of tutorials on how to create your own VPN. Here is a good one for example:
As much as I am aware, ProtonVPN allows downloading the WireGurad and OpenVPN configs for its free servers. If you really want to use a free VPN service, I suggest that you download the free configs from ProtonVPN and use them on Artix Linux via the terminal.

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #9
Renting vps still allows your ip to be tracked back to you.

any decent vpn has zero logging, so cannot be traced back to you.

Re: Windscribe install

Reply #10
Renting vps still allows your ip to be tracked back to you.
There are many privacy focused VPS providers that support purchase through cryptocurrencies like Monero. You can rent a VPS, while not giving any real information about yourself. Also, you can always hide your real IP using TOR.
any decent vpn has zero logging, so cannot be traced back to you.
There is no way to ensure that these shady VPN companies really don't keep the logs.