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Topic: How to recover an empty hard drive? (Read 37 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to recover an empty hard drive?

I have a "bricked" HD here. It was running fine today. I was able to make an image backup using Foxclone, but then I decided to re-partition it, and that failed. Now I can plug it in using a USB/SATA adapter, and see it as /dev/sde, but the system thinks there's no media there. Nothing I've tried will recognize it to do anything. Not fdisk, sfdisk, gnome-disks, or gparted. If I plug into a Win10 box, it shows up as E:, but also with nothing there, and I can't format it, or do anything with it. Even hdparm can't work on it.
Code: [Select]
$ hdparm --security-set-pass password /dev/sde
security_password: "password"

Issuing SECURITY_SET_PASS command, password="password", user=user, mode=high
The running kernel lacks CONFIG_IDE_TASK_IOCTL support for this device.
SECURITY_SET_PASS: Invalid argument

An example:
Code: [Select]
$ sudo dd count=8 if=/dev/null of=/dev/sde
[sudo] password for myname:
dd: failed to open '/dev/sde': No medium found

It shows up in lsblk as type disk, with a size of zero.

I also tried using Western Digital's drive utility, but that works only with their various external drives, and maybe with RAID controllers. Doesn't see it at all via USB.

I'm about to try it in another machine, connected to the SATA, using a live CD to boot from. But I'm pretty dubious about that working.

I know the drive isn't dead. I'd just like to use it as an external backup device. Any thoughts?