Re: press enter to see login prompt and "stopping udev --- fail"
Reply #2 –
# cat /dev/vcs1
shows boot messages, it's the content of a terminal screen buffer so you can't do much with the output, but you can copy and paste it to a text file.
A digital video camera is one simple way to capture all on screen messages, also there's a program called "consolelogga" that might help, logging some shutdown messages too.
The "audit" package can do all sorts of advanced logging things for security and debugging.
rsyslog from the aur is an alternative to syslogng for logging system messages, but it needs a service script.
Here's an openrc one, a runit one would be different though:
$ cat /etc/init.d/rsyslogd
description="rsyslogd logs system messages"
depend() {
use clock
need hostname localmount
after bootmisc
provide logger
keyword -stop