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Topic: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us?? (Read 3851 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #15
5G is not the technical successor to 3 & 4G. It share the G in the name, but that's all.

5G is the old Analog TV Channels that has been used for 60+ years. 
The TV Broadcasting Stations received new channels and 5G operates on their old TV Channels.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #16
Heh, I didn't know the frequencies were so close to each other. Stupid FCC.

I'm not claiming 5G is a technical successor or anything. A millimeter wave will penetrate less than longer wavelengths anyway, so if there is any internal harm it should be less than whatever it was before. I don't believe a pulsed wave vs a continuous wave is relevant. Nor is it accurate to describe them as "highly energetic." Your lighbulb is more energetic.

Well, 5G is military technology, a weapon they want to install at your home, it is that simple. Millimeter waves do cause damage, US military dub these "non lethal".
However, it is a matter of energy input to make it lethal.

Insects near millimeter wave radars tend to synchronize and move as "ballet", this stuff directly interferes with nature's frequencies.

My point is, 5G is something human beings have not been exposed before,and its gonna be a health disaster if every corner is covered with this. The shady roll out practices, basically trying to pressure and enforce it at your home, is what should make everyone suspicious.
Tell me a better word to use than energetic, a 5W Laser will burn you a hole in the bum, a 5W light bulb is hardly enough to read a book at night. So what's the difference? Light coherency, it is the same with 5G.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #17
5G was in your homes for 60+ years called Analog Broadcasting Television.

Today, it is called 5G and that TV has been miniaturized and (the boob tube) resides in your hand, almost everyone rich and poor has the Mobile device.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #18

Well, 5G is military technology, a weapon they want to install at your home, it is that simple. Millimeter waves do cause damage, US military dub these "non lethal".
However, it is a matter of energy input to make it lethal.

Insects near millimeter wave radars tend to synchronize and move as "ballet", this stuff directly interferes with nature's frequencies.

My point is, 5G is something human beings have not been exposed before,and its gonna be a health disaster if every corner is covered with this. The shady roll out practices, basically trying to pressure and enforce it at your home, is what should make everyone suspicious.
Tell me a better word to use than energetic, a 5W Laser will burn you a hole in the bum, a 5W light bulb is hardly enough to read a book at night. So what's the difference? Light coherency, it is the same with 5G.

I'm not interested in entertaining baseless conspiracies. There doesn't need to be some kind of hidden agenda behind the 5G marketing hype other than "making more money." A broadcasting frequency is not at all coherent like a laser is. Trying to equate the two is silly.

Also, Schpankme is right. Much of the analog TV broadcasting frequencies occupy the same frequencies 5G does.

For some time i have lived on my own in a flat, however i was wondering why do i look so shit if i dont smoke?? Whats wrong, i have good diet??

So i read on internet about wifi electromagnetic waves and on the laptop it discovered about 8 routers of neighbours each one generating electromagnetic waves so i felt like this is killing me so i escaped from it and i am worried that being in city or whatever where wifi routers are like everywhere is really bad for us too...
The worst thing is going to sleep with smartphone connected to wifi just by us... Glad i dont have smartphoone

It's almost certainly the poor quality air in the city. Poor air does affect your health negatively. This is well documented.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #19
I saw an example of fasciation, a flattened deformed  growing tip, develop in one shoot of a hedge by my CB antenna. (That was a more powerful output though.) Coincidence - perhaps, but observed fact - yes.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #20
5G is the old Analog TV Channels that has been used for 60+ years. 
The TV Broadcasting Stations received new channels and 5G operates on their old TV Channels.

Yes and TV is an insidious mind controlling device i tend to stay away from. Artoo has already pointed out the 5G being rolled out is a new technology for wifi and the IoT.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #21
Electormagnetic waves in that frequency are nowhere close to causing ionizing radiation. In fact, visible light has more energy so go hide in a closet or something.
Very true. I used to work at a grocery store and there was a lady who would come in sometimes. She would always use the self-serve checkout but would vehemently refuse to scan any of the products with the infrared barcode scanner because "it will make the food radioactive" or some crap. Instead, she would manually type the number beneath the barcode into the checkout computer - for every product she was buying.

The thing is that the barcode scanner uses infrared radiation, which has a relatively long wavelength. UV light, which is in sunlight, has a significantly shorter wavelength - yet she had no problems with walking in direct sunlight after exiting the store.

And even if the barcode scanner used gamma rays for some reason, it wouldn't make the food "radioactive" because that's not how radioactivity works - unless the food already had heavy elements in it like Uranium-238, in which case it may undergo nuclear fission after the barcode was scanned and turn into Uranium-235. But (normal) food doesn't have heavy elements like that in it so even if you bombarded it with gamma rays, all it would do is heat it up and make it very, very sterile.

tl;dr sunlight (UV light has always had and continues to have the shortest wavelength of any radiation you will be likely to come into contact with in normal day-to-day life.


Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #22

"RF fields above 10 GHz are absorbed at the skin surface, with very little of the energy penetrating into the underlying tissues."
"At present, there is no substantive evidence that adverse health effects, including cancer, can occur in people exposed to RF levels at or below the limits set by international standards. However, more research is needed to fill certain gaps in knowledge."

It's the "more research" bit which raises valid questions I think. If you climb a ship's mast and stick your head next to the radar antenna you will microwave your brain and die, this is well known. The exact effect of low doses over a prolonged period is unknown, also are particular frequencies worse than others? String theory suggests all matter is composed of vibrating strings of energy, which ties in with E=MC2, the potential for energy and matter to be interchangeable. So if you apply an energy field to the carefully ordered energy you imagine to be your physical self it could have an effect - but it might not!

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #23
Some may be worse: different frequencies are absorbed differently. Also certain frequencies are resonant with some components of body tissues making the effect stronger. But the word "certain" is crucial here