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Topic: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO (Read 19039 times) previous topic - next topic
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Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

There are i3 Desktop ISOs, available for testing at:


Please report any issues, here.

Preconfigured Keys:

  • modkey is win-key
  • win+d is search
  • F9 is dmenu
  • win+shift+q is quit

Have fun!

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #1
It would be great to have conky with default keys displayed by default. (or it is there and I am missing it because I my laptop would burn before booting it?)

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #2
No conky, but there's a clickable on the bar, which will display bindings in Geany.
We decided against it, as it would be covered anyway as soon as some windows open.

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #3
Known Issues:

  • dmenu shows Desktop Preferences option, but does not execute.

This is caused by the pulled pcmanfm package on ISO build.

Code: [Select]
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-desktop-pref.desktop

  • win+shift+q is quit ---> win+shift+X is quit  [Fixed on Next i3 ISO Release]


please edit:
Code: [Select]
nano ~/.config/i3/config
and change the line 154 to:
Code: [Select]
bindsym $mod+Shift+X exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"

  • s6 does not start i3 wm  [Fixed on Next i3 ISO Release] 


Removed  artix-i3-s6-20200613-x86_64.iso, for the time being.

  • rofi dmenu does not match dark themes  [Fixed on Next i3 ISO Release] 

Modified rofi config for next ISO build   [Fixed on Next i3 ISO Release] 

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #4
Updated Artix Linux ISOs with i3 Desktop and init systems, have been uploaded.


Known Issues:

  • dmenu shows Desktop Preferences option, but does not execute.

This is caused by the pulled pcmanfm package on ISO build.

Code: [Select]
sudo rm /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm-desktop-pref.desktop

Issues Fixed on this release:

  • win+shift+X is quit

  • s6 does not start i3 wm

  • rofi dmenu does not match dark themes  

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #5
I'm on the testing i3 (artix-i3-openrc-20200619-x86_64.iso).
My keyboard media keys do not work with the default config XF86AudioRaiseVolume / XF86AudioLowerVolume amixer commands.
I replaced them with:
amixer -q sset Master 5%+

I do not know why, but now the keys work.

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #6
Does anyone know the unicode for the battery emoji under the artix-i3-ISO i3blocks? They are all working except that one.

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #7
Does anyone know the unicode for the battery emoji under the artix-i3-ISO i3blocks? They are all working except that one.


Try the awesome fonts.


Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #8
Thanks for the i3 version have been a long time i3 user will be modding the config and system. Don't mind the i3blocks bar as I have always used my i3 conkybar, will also be using i3-workspace-names-daemon as I like to see the program names in tabs.
 Lots of Fun a head.

Have been using Debian systems dual booting Debian 10 bullseye , MX-19 and now Artix-i3

antiX-19 i3 runit & ArtiX-i3 runit

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #9
Things I have done so far.
Changed i3 to i3gaps.
Changed i3blocks to my Conkybar.  (Using your shutdown_menu script with a mod key, will change to a bar button)
Running mpd & ncmpcpp (album art not showing need w3m-img for this to work)
Installed i3-workspace-names-daemon
Made lot of changers to the config file. Media keys now working.
Using Waterfox my portable.
More to come.

antiX-19 i3 runit & ArtiX-i3 runit

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #10
I'm on the testing i3 (artix-i3-openrc-20200619-x86_64.iso).
My keyboard media keys do not work with the default config XF86AudioRaiseVolume / XF86AudioLowerVolume amixer commands.
I replaced them with:
amixer -q sset Master 5%+

I do not know why, but now the keys work.

I will shift to these as a standard for next Release and commend the previous ones at the config file, as shown below:



Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #11
Missing for next ISO, as reported.

  • hibernation support

For current users:

  • Please edit the file ~/.config/i3/scripts/shutdownmenu, and add the hibernate options, as shown below.

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #12
Missing for next ISO, as reported.

  • hibernation support

  • Please edit the file ~/.config/i3/scripts/shutdownmenu, and add the hibernate options, as shown below.

ISOs as from 20200704 release number and above, have these issues solved.

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #13
Please change the .xinitrc  to start the dbus with i3 (exec dbus-launch i3) so all file managers to work without a problem .
like the problem I had
Code: [Select],1553.msg10699.html#msg10699

Re: Artix Linux new flavor with i3 Desktop ISO

Reply #14
Please change the .xinitrc  to start the dbus with i3 (exec dbus-launch i3) so all file managers to work without a problem .
like the problem I had
Code: [Select],1553.msg10699.html#msg10699


Thanks for your feedback.

Unfortunately ISOs have been released today.

This will be included on next release.
