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Topic: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer. (Read 14359 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #60
About Synaptic?
First: Why right mouse button to select?
Why 2 filter box?
Why do we need to install to see the list of files?

Pamac feels more & more bloated, IMHO I prefered the old version (2 years ago) (v2 if I remember correclty).
but it is fast and it feels the need : you can search AUR, jump  to the PKGbuild..

1  Because there are several options in selecting, to remove, rm-completely, update, reinstall, install .
2  I am not sure I understand what you mean by filter-box (apt upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade) or is it the select upgrades, apply, continue, ... :)  Life saving steps from preventing a mess on the last click.  With -Syu and return you are toast!
3  Because by the way debian is structured with fragmented pkgs your file list of installed files will be different than mine depending what else is installed, I think.  But I do agree just looking at dependencies and dependants you never know what is going to be installed as the spider-web explodes.

I have been on devuan for a long while, don't misinterpret my defense of the source of pathology in all linux (debian).  For a while I was struggling to keep a wheezy base with updated packages from jessie, stretch, sid.  Now there is also buster.  So non-systemd debian has less than a year of support.  I installed it recently from scratch and I almost cried.  I experimented in going from wheezy to Devuan-unstable on one step.  It worked but next time I'll stick to testing and only do updates not dist-upgrade.

I have equalized faith on devuan and artix being the true future of true linux/unix.  You mark my words! 
Artix didn't even get a summary for its release on the distrowatch front page, neither has arch-bang, and in the past 7days it ranks as #18 on the list of most clicks, with Arch being #16.  Devuan is still high on the list after 3-4months of its introduction.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #61
Frankly @Mandog... the pacman command line arguments are the weirdest of  history...

Why not simply "pacman install"? "pacman remove"?  Do you the command to get the installed files list?
why -Syyuu instead of "update"? why?  ;-)

Want to get the list of installed packages?
dpkg --get-selections    vs    pacman -Qqe | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqg base)" | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqm)" > main.lst
(Why Qqe?)

Because pacman is simple to use  you don't use  -Syyuu  you use Syu to update, -Su to install, -Syy to force data bases to sync, - Syyu to force sync and upgrade. -Syyuu  to upgrade then downgrade never ever used that command in 15 years  that is more used on Manjaro, -R to remove, -Rn to to remove +config files,  -U to install a arch package files. What is weird with that. To find file on or to install if you have yaourt installed you can do the same with all the helpers, just type something like this "yaourt edit" as normal user that will give you 1169 packages to do with editing on both repros and AUR who the fuck needs a stupid GUI that is next to useless to give less info, to mess up updates etc, that was just a few newbie commands, advavance user i'm not one by the way will conf custom actions for pacman.

Take these  3 and what they do the w is to hold or wait  as other action are req

 ca-certificates-utils 20170307-1 upgrade requires manual intervention


The upgrade to ca-certificates-utils 20170307-1 requires manual intervention because a symlink which used to be generated post-install has been moved into the package proper.

As deleting the symlink may leave you unable to download packages, perform this upgrade in three steps:

# pacman -Syuw                           # download packages
# rm /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt  # remove conflicting file
# pacman -Su                             # perform upgrade

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #62
I am glad that both 7of9 and nadir were able to install Artix successfully.
Every package installer has it pluses and minuses. I do like pacman since it is fast and light weight. The Debian apt commands are good as well. Redhat's rpm is my least favourite but I have to use it for work on the servers and my workstation.
Graphically package managers are nice to see everything but they are all slow. Since I do not use a desktop environment and use openbox, I find Octopi to be preferred over Pamac's requirement of having a session manager to be running to install packages. Synaptic is what I use in the Debian universe. Yast is what I use in the OpenSuSE, SuSE universe.
The thing that I love about Archlinux's base is the PKGBUILD system make sense to me and find it easy to create, edit and deploy. Making a local repository, creating a package based on VCS sources or even local files is not a complicated affair. Not having to do a major reinstall for distro upgrades is a bonus in my books even though breakages sometimes occur. These are the reasons I will accept pacman's options without reservation even if the "pacman -Qqe | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqg base)" | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqm)" > main.lst" is cumbersome.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #63
Because pacman is simple to use  you don't use  -Syyuu  you use Syu to update, -Su to install, -Syy to force data bases to sync, - Syyu to force sync and upgrade. -Syyuu  to upgrade then downgrade never ever used that command in 15 years  that is more used on Manjaro, -R to remove, -Rn to to remove +config files,  -U to install a arch package files. What is weird with that.

That was funny ;-)
I'm glad you find it intuitive.  I might come from another planet maybe ;-)
(where 'i' for install 'u' for update etc  would make sense too  ^_^)

Btw, I am a big fan of arch package management, of AUR. I find it better than debian's.
So easy to understand and to create packages from a developer point of view.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #64
I find Octopi to be preferred over Pamac's requirement of having a session manager to be running to install packages.

That is a real advantage Indeed.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #65
I am glad that both 7of9 and nadir were able to install Artix successfully

btw this morning I tried setup on a real machine (HP Spectre 13") : Don't try check "encrypt filesystem" you'll trigger a good old "segmentation fault" ;-)
No trouble it is a spare machine, just to check this out.

It is installing right now without the option, Calamares stay stuck at 21% for a very long period:  One has to wait, it is not a freeze... just it is the task "download and install package selection" that is veeeeery long.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #66
How long does it take? I have haven't done a fresh install in a few weeks but it was taking right around 30 minutes for me. Maybe a slow mirror?

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #67
It really depends for me its hours as we have slow internet speed.  It does take a bit more time to compile as its not just copying files across from a live image that was out of date the day of release,
 its a fresh install downloaded and compiled from scripts so you always install the latest up to date version.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #68
Question, since this is a ranting thread and everything goes.  The mirror list changed today and it is all artix own mirrors.
What does this actually mean?  I remember a dev saying that the naming convention of the epoch pkgs weren't supported by other mirrors.  Is this just it for functionality, we will start seeing new naming with ":" in the pkg names or is there more?
My connection is pretty slow too, it got a bit faster the past few days, but I use opennic's dns servers and they may be slowing mirror hits down a bit.  I don't trust ISPs dns as they are mandated by law to keep records in some "rogue regimes" (aren't they all?).

Then I am a bit confused on the use of lib32 and multilib.  Is this mandatory as there may be pkgs that are 32bit or have 32bit dependencies that may not be able to install at all or is their use optional to choose between 64/32?  On my ManjaOrc conversion there are a few mostly libraries that come from 32 and multilib, on the other two installations on the one I have nothing, and on the other I have turned it/them both off.  I still haven't noticed a difference.


Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #69
Unfortunately that machineid error is back, and I can't install :(

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #70
Unfortunately that machineid error is back, and I can't install :(
Did you try sudo -E calarares -d it seems to do some magic also says what failed if that happens.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #72
Yes I did, No help.
Another user reported this in another thread.

So why is this happening again?
Its got to be something is not downloading a failed to download that did not resume, corrupt packagre or the mirrors are not fully synced. or a update that is not happy with the install script. where does it fail did you notice the stage  Just checked the post you directed to seems to confirm that please make sure sourceforce mirrors are lower than Artix their was a announcement yesterday Artix only uses its own now.
Although I have only used Artix mirrors for the last month when they announced they would be dropping sourceforge.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #73
Its got to be something is not downloading a failed to download that did not resume, corrupt packagre or the mirrors are not fully synced. or a update that is not happy with the install script. where does it fail did you notice the stage
No I didn't but user in the other thread says he had to change mirrorlist to the list in his already installed Artix.
So what's going on? Mirrorlist changes and installer does not know about change??

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #74
No I didn't but user in the other thread says he had to change mirrorlist to the list in his already installed Artix.
So what's going on? Mirrorlist changes and installer does not know about change??
Can you show us what your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist looks like?