Ok, just checked and machine-id is indeed changing upon reboot. Firejail didn't make a difference on my desktop. Also I tried to switch to nouveau, by removing all nvidia* packages and the blacklisting of nouveau in kernel and rebooting, and it didn't help. Here's the output of lsmod | grep 'nouveau\|nvidia":
nouveau 2355200 5
mxm_wmi 16384 1 nouveau
wmi 36864 2 mxm_wmi,nouveau
i2c_algo_bit 16384 1 nouveau
ttm 122880 1 nouveau
drm_kms_helper 266240 1 nouveau
drm 585728 8 drm_kms_helper,ttm,nouveau
agpgart 53248 3 ttm,nouveau,drm
And inxi -F:
System: Host: meneltarma Kernel: 5.9.10-artix1-1 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: dwm 6.2 Distro: Artix Linux
Machine: Type: Desktop System: Gigabyte product: N/A v: N/A serial: <superuser/root required>
Mobo: Gigabyte model: H61M-DS2V v: x.x serial: <superuser/root required> UEFI: American Megatrends v: F5
date: 04/17/2013
CPU: Info: Quad Core model: Intel Core i5-3450 bits: 64 type: MCP L2 cache: 6144 KiB
Speed: 3350 MHz min/max: 1600/3500 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 3351 2: 3336 3: 3468 4: 3468
Graphics: Device-1: NVIDIA GK107 [GeForce GTX 650] driver: nouveau v: kernel
Display: server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver: nouveau unloaded: modesetting,vesa resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
OpenGL: renderer: NVE7 v: 4.3 Mesa 20.2.3
Audio: Device-1: Intel 6 Series/C200 Series Family High Definition Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-2: NVIDIA GK107 HDMI Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.9.10-artix1-1
Network: Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet driver: r8169
IF: eth0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: 90:2b:34:4d:4f:6a
Drives: Local Storage: total: 1.82 TiB used: 47.27 GiB (2.5%)
ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Western Digital model: WD20EZRZ-00Z5HB0 size: 1.82 TiB
Partition: ID-1: / size: 91.17 GiB used: 11.87 GiB (13.0%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda6
ID-2: /home size: 772.53 GiB used: 35.37 GiB (4.6%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda7
Swap: ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 7.45 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) dev: /dev/sda5
Sensors: System Temperatures: cpu: 29.8 C mobo: 27.8 C gpu: nouveau temp: 35.0 C
Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A gpu: nouveau fan: 1350
Info: Processes: 208 Uptime: 4m Memory: 7.74 GiB used: 482.0 MiB (6.1%) Shell: Bash inxi: 3.1.07