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Topic: [SOLVED] System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working (Read 3257 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

For a while I've experienced the same problem as aakodadi described in this thread. However, I can't remember this problem being triggered by any change in hardware configuration, and unfortunately, the solution described in that thread doesn't seem to work for me at all, since I still had to reboot my computer maybe 8 times afterwards before I got it to boot.

My setup:
Code: [Select]
hale-bopp:[user]:~$ lsblk
sda      8:0    0  3,6T  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0  512M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2   8:2    0 25,6G  0 part /
└─sda3   8:3    0  3,6T  0 part /home
sdb      8:16   0  1,8T  0 disk
└─sdb1   8:17   0  1,8T  0 part /run/media/user/sidecar
sr0     11:0    1 1024M  0 rom 

And an excerpt of what I think seems wrong in /var/log/auth.log.

Code: [Select]
May  5 02:28:22 hale-bopp kernel: elogind[1203]: Power key pressed.
May  5 02:28:22 hale-bopp kernel: elogind[1203]: Powering Off...
May  5 02:28:22 hale-bopp kernel: elogind[1203]: System is powering down..
May  5 02:28:23 hale-bopp kernel: elogind[1203]: Received signal 15 [TERM]
May  5 02:29:13 hale-bopp elogind[1257]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:14 hale-bopp lightdm[1261]: pam_unix(lightdm-greeter:session): session opened for user lightdm(uid=981) by (uid=0)
May  5 02:29:14 hale-bopp kernel: elogind-daemon[1203]: New session c1 of user lightdm.
May  5 02:29:14 hale-bopp elogind[1285]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:15 hale-bopp elogind[1301]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:16 hale-bopp elogind[1313]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:17 hale-bopp elogind[1316]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:18 hale-bopp elogind[1319]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:19 hale-bopp elogind[1322]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:19 hale-bopp lightdm[1308]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
May  5 02:29:19 hale-bopp lightdm[1308]: gkr-pam: stashed password to try later in open session
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp kernel: elogind-daemon[1203]: Removed session c1.
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp lightdm[1261]: pam_unix(lightdm-greeter:session): session closed for user lightdm
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp lightdm[1261]: pam_elogind(lightdm-greeter:session): Failed to release session: No session 'c1' known
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp lightdm[1308]: pam_unix(lightdm:session): session opened for user user(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp lightdm[1308]: pam_env(lightdm:session): deprecated reading of user environment enabled
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp kernel: elogind-daemon[1203]: New session 1 of user user.
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp lightdm[1308]: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly and unlocked keyring
May  5 02:29:20 hale-bopp elogind[1340]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:21 hale-bopp elogind[1349]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:24 hale-bopp elogind[1402]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:24 hale-bopp polkitd[1388]: Loading rules from directory /etc/polkit-1/rules.d
May  5 02:29:24 hale-bopp polkitd[1388]: Loading rules from directory /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d
May  5 02:29:24 hale-bopp polkitd[1388]: Finished loading, compiling and executing 4 rules
May  5 02:29:24 hale-bopp polkitd[1388]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus
May  5 02:29:25 hale-bopp elogind[1423]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:26 hale-bopp elogind[1427]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:27 hale-bopp elogind[1454]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:28 hale-bopp elogind[1475]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:29 hale-bopp polkitd[1388]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-session:1 (system bus name :1.44 [/usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1], object path /org/gnome/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_GB.UTF-8)
May  5 02:29:30 hale-bopp elogind[1502]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:31 hale-bopp elogind[1511]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:32 hale-bopp elogind[1537]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:33 hale-bopp elogind[1550]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:33 hale-bopp dbus-daemon[1173]: [system] Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.57" (uid=979 pid=1561 comm="/usr/lib/geoclue ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="GetAll" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.0" (uid=0 pid=1179 comm="connmand -n ")
May  5 02:29:34 hale-bopp elogind[1571]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:35 hale-bopp elogind[1585]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:36 hale-bopp elogind[1612]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:37 hale-bopp elogind[1635]: elogind is already running as PID 1203
May  5 02:29:38 hale-bopp elogind[1646]: elogind is already running as PID 1203


Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #1
please try to start by typing here some relevant information related to your computer , read,1923.0.html specially if it's a HW problem...
if your system freeze at bootup, how he can run lightdm? it freeze at bootup or at login?? please clarify (precise) your problem please.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #2
please try to start by typing here some relevant information related to your computer , read,1923.0.html specially if it's a HW problem...
Excuse me, I'll dump all the requested logs here:

lspci -v


Code: [Select]
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0c45:6366 Microdia USB Live Camcra
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0810:e501 Personal Communication Systems, Inc. SNES Gamepad
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c76:1676 JMTek, LLC. USB PnP Audio Device
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 5332:1400 Clearly Superior Technologies. CST Laser Trackball
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub



if your system freeze at bootup, how he can run lightdm? it freeze at bootup or at login?? please clarify (precise) your problem please.
I have to reboot it several times usually, last night I had to do that maybe 8 times before I could get it to boot. Eventually LightDM actually starts up.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #3
nice logs, no error, nothing failed, nothing to indicate any problems (in dmesg and  :-)
newest BIOS too ;-)
If I understand correctly, will your system freeze during boot without often reach to login manager?
what do you use for init?

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #4
nice logs, no error, nothing failed, nothing to indicate any problems (in dmesg and  :-)
newest BIOS too ;-)
If I understand correctly, will your system freeze during boot without often reach to login manager?
what do you use for init?

Yes, it freezes before I reach the login manager. I use Runit for init, hence why I posted it in the Runit forum.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #5
can be delay by havea
Yes, it freezes before I reach the login manager. I use Runit for init, hence why I posted it in the Runit forum.
runit... ok, that I overlooked :D

so no services even start when it freezes? (I want to rule out that some services would freeze / have a delay) that it's really a HW problem....

can you try boot system from our (live) ISO or boot to another live ISO? if your computer boot normally from ISO several times in a row , it should be no HW error. Can be kernel issue, or another SW issue, but no HW issue (if booting without freezing). by excluding HW issue we can focus on finding SW issue

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #6
runit... ok, that I overlooked :D

so no services even start when it freezes? (I want to rule out that some services would freeze / have a delay) that it's really a HW problem....

can you try boot system from our (live) ISO or boot to another live ISO? if your computer boot normally from ISO several times in a row , it should be no HW error. Can be kernel issue, or another SW issue, but no HW issue (if booting without freezing). by excluding HW issue we can focus on finding SW issue
I don't know if the services freeze or anything, all I know is that I simply getting a blinking cursor in the upper left. And I can't exit into the text terminal, just like in the thread I linked to I will only see the Neofetch and login prompt for a split second before it goes back to the blinking cursor.

I actually have this problem with my laptop (also running Artix) as well, so I highly doubt it's a hardware issue. But sure, I'll try this with the live ISO a few times later today.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #7
that sound like pure sw problem.
as first I would replace lightdm with something else (gdm / sddm), lightdm seems to be problematic not only in your case...
what for DE/WM you use?

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #8
that sound like pure sw problem.
as first I would replace lightdm with something else (gdm / sddm), lightdm seems to be problematic not only in your case...
what for DE/WM you use?

I use XFCE. I would be cool with simply having a text-based login prompt that runs neofetch and then asks me to enter my username and password, as long as I can keep the screensaver lock that comes with LightDM.

EDIT: Alright, just played around with the packaged display managers a bit, and I could only get LXDM to work properly, which I don't really like. Is there any guide to just turning off the display manager and simply being given the neofetch screen and login prompt by default, and having startx run by itself afterwards?

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #9
EDIT: Alright, just played around with the packaged display managers a bit, and I could only get LXDM to work properly, which I don't really like. Is there any guide to just turning off the display manager and simply being given the neofetch screen and login prompt by default, and having startx run by itself afterwards?

I'm using the setup you described (tty + startx), it's the best, the least bloated and the fastest. You need to stop your DM's service (depends on your init system - I use s6), prevent it from starting upon login, then edit ~/.bash_profile to call startx if running a login shell. For example, I have (also killing gpg-agent upon login):

Code: [Select]
shopt -q login_shell && $(pkill gpg; startx)

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #10
I'm using the setup you described (tty + startx), it's the best, the least bloated and the fastest. You need to stop your DM's service (depends on your init system - I use s6), prevent it from starting upon login, then edit ~/.bash_profile to call startx if running a login shell. For example, I have (also killing gpg-agent upon login):

Code: [Select]
shopt -q login_shell && $(pkill gpg; startx)

And that's enough? Also, what if I want to switch to another shell, will it carry over?

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #11
And that's enough? Also, what if I want to switch to another shell, will it carry over?
Yes, that is enough. The code I posted is Bash-specific. If you use some other shell, you need to adjust it to your shell. The gist is to call startx if the shell is a login shell (and not, for example, run in a terminal emulator like xterm).

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #12
Yes, that is enough. The code I posted is Bash-specific. If you use some other shell, you need to adjust it to your shell. The gist is to call startx if the shell is a login shell (and not, for example, run in a terminal emulator like xterm).
Alright, just tried this out, and I could unfortunately not get it to work. I decided to finally try this out after having configured zsh. So I tried out the command given here since it specifies that it works for zsh. It's not exactly for Arch-derived distros, but I assumed it would work. Anyway, after I had added that to ~/.zprofile, uninstalled lxdm-runit and rebooted, I couldn't even get startx to run by running it manually. I had to reinstall lxdm-runit to be able to get into x again.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #13
I couldn't even get startx to run by running it manually. I had to reinstall lxdm-runit to be able to get into x again.

This indicates a problem with Xorg. Properly installed X should be able to be run without a DM. It is strange that you could get into X with lxdm. I could theorize that probably when you reinstalled lxdm pacman picked up some missing dependency and installed it. Aside from providing your X log at the time when you failed to start X by the command startx, you should now try to just disable the service, without uninstalling the lxdm package and then try to run startx again.

Re: System freeze at bootup, previous solution not working

Reply #14
And that's enough? Also, what if I want to switch to another shell, will it carry over?
Using OpenRC you need to create an .xinitrc entry to start the desktop too.
Code: [Select]
exec startxfce4
and perhaps you need to add this to the agetty7 options however you do that in Runit "--autologin <yourusername>"
Also you can configure startx for logging in .bashrc something like this:
Code: [Select]
if ( [[ -z $DISPLAY && ! -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]] ); then
exec startx -- -verbose 6 -logverbose 6 >/home/$USER/.startx.log 2>&1