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Topic: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes (Read 984 times) previous topic - next topic
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Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Hello tried minitube and pidging when a light theme is active like adwaita and both look terrible. Tried to change panel to dark/light or follow system style, switched several icon themes and window manager themes. I downloaded themes for pidgin but the interface looks the same, unreadable like in the print screen. Where i can change this horror interface? The only way it works is to change to a dark theme and the writing will be white on black so i can see but i want to use adwaita. Here is the prt sc

Re: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Reply #1
Hello, what desktop environment do you use; have you tested adwaita-dark

Re: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Reply #2
Yes with adwaita-dark pidgin looks decent only with light themes, pidgin and minitube becomes unusable due to the writing is black on black. Tried another light theme Greybird hopping is gonna look better but it's the same. Look how the status "available" is black on black unreadable. I use xfce DE

Re: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Reply #3
Hello tried minitube and pidging when a light theme is active like adwaita and both look terrible. Tried to change panel to dark/light or follow system style, switched several icon themes and window manager themes. I downloaded themes for pidgin but the interface looks the same, unreadable like in the print screen. Where i can change this horror interface?


I have XFCE OpenRC.

I don't use Thunar, but Dolphin.

When choosing the Adwaita theme, I notice that the visual themes are mixed.
The background of Dolphin, Gimp, or some configuration windows is black...

This is not a problem unique to Artix ; I got it with other distros.

I found an unscientific method to fix it (it has been working for over a year):

Reinstall all the packages present.
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Qnq)

After this "cure", all the colors are correct everywhere ... on condition of commenting (add # at the beginning of the line) in /etc/environment the two lines:

sudo mousepad /etc/environment


Re: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Reply #4
Thank you for the solution however i started to think it's a problem with those apps maybe because they are outdated. Pidgin interface looks very old and minitube as well so i don't wanna mess my whole ARTIX just for two apps that are behind times. So i will look for dino insted of pidgin and freetube instead of minitube. Thank you for your time
P.S. i always use for example  "EDITOR=nano sudoedit /etc/environment" cos i don't want to give superpowers to my text editor ;P

Re: Pidgin/minitube looks terrible when using light themes

Reply #5
Thank you for the solution however i started to think it's a problem with those apps maybe because they are outdated. Pidgin interface looks very old and minitube as well so i don't wanna mess my whole ARTIX just for two apps that are behind times. So i will look for dino insted of pidgin and freetube instead of minitube. Thank you for your time
You're welcome.
However, I never had a problem running this command.

P.S. i always use for example  "EDITOR=nano sudoedit /etc/environment" cos i don't want to give superpowers to my text editor ;P
It is more careful indeed.