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Topic: using AUR in artix (Read 21796 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #15
20 years ago, no one cuddled with you like we do today. mostly you got the answer: RTFM and it was done. It was hard, but it taught you so much more than serving ready-made solutions to users who don't even know the basics of Linux /Archlinux.
This. I remember installing my first GNU/Linux back in 1999. It was an old (even at the time) version of Slackware, and it required careful reading on disk geometry to fdisk the partition. There was no hand-holding, but it was documented well enough, and tons of fun! Later I was often reading through HOWTOs from TLDP (I had no Internet at first, so got it from an offline package).

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #16
Later I was often reading through HOWTOs from TLDP (I had no Internet at first, so got it from an offline package).

Wasn't it fun with 56k modems until a site was loaded? You could easily have a snack in between site loading, a coffee or so. :D

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #17
Actually, I started with 14400 modem a year earlier IIRC. But that wasn't remotely practical to download a distro with. Didn't get 56k until 2000s, and I remember downloading Internet Explorer 4.0, which had around 40-ish MB over dial-up for a week (with download resume). Also downloading LOTR trailer (which was ~4 MB, was on a CDN, but the entire Internet wanted to download it) split over two daily sessions of a couple hours, from my uni lab. :P

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #18

Wasn't it fun with 56k modems until a site was loaded? You could easily have a snack in between site loading, a coffee or so. :D

it was!  :D

I remember that until 2008 I had no internet at home . I used Mandrake before Archlinux with KDE 3 and there was a problem with the sound driver. Finding a solution without internet was not possible, so it meant visit wifi cafe in near city, in total it took a week and 3 visits to a wifi cafe, because you had everytime to go to town :D

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #19

I hope ist is ok, when I react this thread. I don't understand some posts.
My question is:
How can I find out, which AUR I can install?

Thx TM

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
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DM: Xfce


Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #20
Most AUR packages install fine on Artix.

The only ones you might run into problems are those that install system-level programs that use systemd commands (like systemctl enable, systemctl start, etc.). Even when that happens, you can open a topic, and we'll point you to alternatives, or help you "port" them to Artix's inits.

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #21
Most AUR packages install fine on Artix.

The only ones you might run into problems are those that install system-level programs that use systemd commands (like systemctl enable, systemctl start, etc.). Even when that happens, you can open a topic, and we'll point you to alternatives, or help you "port" them to Artix's inits.

Thank you capezotte.
So I have first to install and then I can see, if the AUR is compatible with Artix?
Or ist there a way to see it before?
On the page from AUR  there are 2 parts called "Dependencies" or "Required by". Is ist possible to see in this list, if there is needed systemd?
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #22
On the page from AUR  there are 2 parts called "Dependencies" or "Required by". Is ist possible to see in this list, if there is needed systemd?

Since systemd is always present in Archlinux and AUR is Arch User Repository, I doubt any package explicitely states they need systemd.
Most packages from AUR will work just fine.

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #23
Thx SGOrava

With Manjaro I used the pamac an the AUR was installed automaticly. So I have no experience how to install an AUR.
I read it is easy to use trizen.

So I will try if I am able to use this.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #24
 hello,trizen -S pamac              or
git  clone
cd  pamac-aur
makepkg -si 
you have to make sure that all base-devel is there and also git

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #25
hello,trizen -S pamac              or
git  clone
cd  pamac-aur
makepkg -si 
you have to make sure that all base-devel is there and also git
Code: [Select]
pacman -S trizen 
Code: [Select]
pacman -S pamac
BOTH AUR helpers we HAVE in OUR repo  8)

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #26
it's a solution like any other, personally I always put on my pcs : yay and pamac-aur-git

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #27

I found octopi. It looks like the pamac from Manjaro. As I know, usually it is not so good to install packages with GUI installer?
Or is tihis ok? But anyway it is much more easy to find packages. I guess, all openRC packages in octopi I can install without danger?
It is also no problem to install it in the terminal. Important is, to find out the correct packages.

Now, for me it ist a little horror to find out, which packet I have to use from Artix (system, world, galaxy) an which ones are extra or community from Arch.
I use this if there is not the package I must search long times in the net, if there is an allowed Arch repo. Sometimes that makes me crazy ;)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #28
I use this if there is not the package I must search long times in the net, if there is an allowed Arch repo. Sometimes that makes me crazy ;)
why?  :o  :o  :o  Artix is compatible with Archlinux, the system takes packages from us, first, then from Archlinux. So Pacman / Pamac / Octopi / whatever. The user has nothing to do with it. You do totally unnecessary things, you may not be interested in where the package downloads.

You have on comprehensibly written how you turn on the repo from Archlinux!!!

maybe it would take less GUI and read more wiki  :D otherwise you will not learn anything new until death  :D :D

Re: using AUR in artix

Reply #29
why?  :o  :o  :o  Artix is compatible with Archlinux, the system takes packages from us, first, then from Archlinux. So Pacman / Pamac / Octopi / whatever. The user has nothing to do with it. You do totally unnecessary things, you may not be interested in where the package downloads.

You have on comprehensibly written how you turn on the repo from Archlinux!!!
You mean this?
Note that Arch's core repo should never be used on an Artix system. It contains many, fundamental packages that are incompatible with Artix's sets of core packages.
This I wrote above, that I know not to install core from Artix. So it ist easy to see, that I read the Wiki.

maybe it would take less GUI and read more wiki  :D otherwise you will not learn anything new until death  :D :D
This is "unfair" ;)
May be this is the (your?)standard answer to all newbies? ;) *duck and run*

I had a lot of Problems after install and I fixed them alone.
Wifi didn't work suddenly, systemtime was not correct, localhost631 was not found, Thunar was not like usual (catfisch is not implemented), command blkid was not found, I never installed AUR myself and find a solution a.s.o.....
At first time I was irritaded an unsure, when there are a lot of options shown after using pacman -S.
Yesterday I installed Artix, so there are no 24 h time to accustom with Artix.

You know, Manjaro do a lot automaticly, so the users do not learn so much to do it by themselves.
Manjaro install a lot of packages I do not need, and so also a lot that were self-evident for me.
So for me I it is "difficult" and I need time to find out, which "programm"or "commands" is in which package.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4800H
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti mobile
loaded: amdgpu,ati,modesetting,nouveau
Kernel: up to date
DM: Xfce