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Topic: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6 (Read 1458 times) previous topic - next topic
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A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Hey, I'm unsure if this is a question I should ask to the obarun forums, but I wonder; is it supported/viable to use Suite66 only as a front-end to s6? Just using their commands to do what s6 does? If so, how? And would that information be suitable to be put into the wiki's s6 entry?

Also, a slightly related question; I think that you should put you'd create a service by yourself in the wiki entry of - s6 especially, but also - all of the init systems that Artix supports. Currently, they just list commands for basic usage and the directory structure for services, but they don't really say exactly how you'd make a service using it. And, as it says in the s6 documentation - it just supplies the mechanism, and the specific distribution should provide the policy. And, the pages themselves say that they're a bit dry and wordy without live examples. Wouldn't it be nice to provide something like that for new-comers?

Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #1
Hey, I'm unsure if this is a question I should ask to the obarun forums, but I wonder; is it supported/viable to use Suite66 only as a front-end to s6? Just using their commands to do what s6 does? If so, how? And would that information be suitable to be put into the wiki's s6 entry?
66 is already built around s6, meaning it is a wrapper around it.
Sixty-six is a collection of system tools built around s6 and s6-rc created to make the implementation and manipulation of service files on your machine easier.

Also, a slightly related question; I think that you should put you'd create a service by yourself in the wiki entry of - s6 especially, but also - all of the init systems that Artix supports. Currently, they just list commands for basic usage and the directory structure for services, but they don't really say exactly how you'd make a service using it. And, as it says in the s6 documentation - it just supplies the mechanism, and the specific distribution should provide the policy. And, the pages themselves say that they're a bit dry and wordy without live examples. Wouldn't it be nice to provide something like that for new-comers?
Newcomers don't need to create their own services. That is an advanced thing to do.

Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #2
66 is already built around s6, meaning it is a wrapper around it.

Well, yeah, but Suite66 already exist in the wiki as a seperate thing, and it seems like it requires some extra services, so I was having some doubts about if i could use it to wrap around s6 without having to change from using s6-rc to 66 completely to manage services.

Newcomers don't need to create their own services. That is an advanced thing to do.

Well, not exactly. If you're a new-comer and you'd like to try a different init system, you're likely kind of advanced in the previous init system you used, and you might want to create something in your current one, to test it out. Even then, I still think it should be left in there, as a small guide that's easily accessible for users. It couldn't hurt.

Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #3
Well, yeah, but Suite66 already exist in the wiki as a seperate thing, and it seems like it requires some extra services, so I was having some doubts about if i could use it to wrap around s6 without having to change from using s6-rc to 66 completely to manage services.

Suite66 has to be separate. The wrapper has its own /sbin/init program that conflicts with s6-linux-init which is what the 'plain' s6 implementation uses. Plus, there's also other boot scripts/internal things that likely conflict as well.

Well, not exactly. If you're a new-comer and you'd like to try a different init system, you're likely kind of advanced in the previous init system you used, and you might want to create something in your current one, to test it out. Even then, I still think it should be left in there, as a small guide that's easily accessible for users. It couldn't hurt.

I'm not too sure about this. The correct thing to do is consult upstream skarnet documentation. There's a lot to explain about making your own services. I don't see the use in duplicating that on the wiki and it's a relatively advanced task.


Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #4
Suite66 has to be separate. The wrapper has its own /sbin/init program that conflicts with s6-linux-init which is what the 'plain' s6 implementation uses. Plus, there's also other boot scripts/internal things that likely conflict as well.

Ah, I see. That makes sense.

I'm not too sure about this. The correct thing to do is consult upstream skarnet documentation. There's a lot to explain about making your own services. I don't see the use in duplicating that on the wiki and it's a relatively advanced task.

Well, yes; but upstream skarnet documentation is big, and it'd be helpful if you at least give some pointers as to which pages people should be looking at how you'd get this working, I know you link to s6, s6-rc, and s6-linux-init, but they don't really explain that, and they have a lot of links inside them as well, it'd be a bit better if you linked specifically which pages aid in doing so.

Also, I mean; you wouldn't really duplicate things.. the documentation itself states that the distribution has to provide the policy, and s6 is there to provide the functionality. You do slightly provide some policy; but it would be really nice if you made it a bit clearer to know how to get into making services for s6, I mean, the wiki page is not *too* bad at this, but it's not really as clear as I think it could be, so I think that you could reword some things to make it easier to know what to do to create services. This is just my opinion, though.

Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #5
While learning basic usage requires less reading, learning to understand things on a more advanced level requires more reading, and more thorough reading. This isn't specific to s6/66, it is a more general concept.

What I can't understand is why many find reading hard, and, more baffling, how can anyone hope to develop services for a init system he doesn't have a good grasp of, while refusing to read readily available documentation for said system.

Re: A question regarding using Suite66 as a frontend to s6

Reply #6
Well, yes; but upstream skarnet documentation is big, and it'd be helpful if you at least give some pointers as to which pages people should be looking at how you'd get this working, I know you link to s6, s6-rc, and s6-linux-init, but they don't really explain that, and they have a lot of links inside them as well, it'd be a bit better if you linked specifically which pages aid in doing so.

You should read all of it really. Well okay, I suppose knowing the details about s6-linux-init and some of the random s6 binaries isn't really necessary, but you should certainly have a conceptual overview of s6/s6-rc at the very least.

Also, I mean; you wouldn't really duplicate things.. the documentation itself states that the distribution has to provide the policy, and s6 is there to provide the functionality. You do slightly provide some policy; but it would be really nice if you made it a bit clearer to know how to get into making services for s6, I mean, the wiki page is not *too* bad at this, but it's not really as clear as I think it could be, so I think that you could reword some things to make it easier to know what to do to create services. This is just my opinion, though.

If you have any specific suggestions, feel free to type it up. Artix doesn't actually have much policy. I aimed for it to be like that. Basically, the s6-rc source directory is /etc/s6/sv and databases are stored in /etc/s6/rc as compiled-${unix_timestamp}. You're more or less free to do as you see fit.