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Topic: Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting (Read 1060 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting

I'm currently trying to install PipeWire on a pure dwm setup to act as a PulseAudio replacement, but I cannot seem to figure out if I am missing something or if I am running across some other kind of bug.

Following the instructions on the Artix wiki page, I installed pipewire, pipewire-pulse, pipewire-alsa and pipewire-jack. I then made a script to start PipeWire alongside X.
Code: [Select]
 /usr/bin/pipewire & /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse & /usr/bin/pipewire-media-session

Code: [Select]
sh &
exec dwm

Upon restarting X with these additions, X seems to bug out and hang before it can actually start my window manager, leaving me unable to do anything in my X session. Trying to see what might be going wrong by running those three PipeWire commands separately in different terminals, I end up with the following error upon reaching pipewire-media-session.

[E][_____.______][   bluez5-dbus.c: 3440 get_managed_objects_reply()] GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown

Despite the error, the terminal continues to hang as if it were running something.

Again, I have no idea what I might be missing and trying to search elsewhere for a solution was inconclusive. As far as I could tell, for example, some changes had been made since this solution was posted to the stock configs in /usr/share/pipewire, so I'm unsure how I might have to adapt the given fix to accommodate the new configs. If I'm missing something glaringly obvious for whatever reason please let me know.

Re: Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting

Reply #1
...speaking of "glaringly obvious", I did in fact forget the ampersand that I actually added on here but not in my configs on a pure setup in a separate machine. However, even so, another pre-riced setup I'm using still does the same thing and refuses to load any other part of the WM. I'm unsure if this is just because I'm using .xprofile to start PipeWire and I wouldn't know how else to diagnose this.

Re: Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting

Reply #2

Have you tried running

Code: [Select]
exec dbus-launch dwm

Mostly problems with WM are solved like that.

I used to use pipewire with xmonad, which is a bit more troublesome than DWM, and it used to work pretty good, but I had to launch xmonad with dbus-launch too.

Best regards.

Artix Linux Colombia


Re: Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting

Reply #3
I'm afraid that does nothing on my main setup either right now, though I imagine this could just be something to do with the way the configs for it are written. I'll try and have a closer look later and see what I can do.

Re: Error starting PipeWire, WM/DE no longer starting

Reply #4
I'm afraid that does nothing on my main setup either right now, though I imagine this could just be something to do with the way the configs for it are written. I'll try and have a closer look later and see what I can do.

Hello, I am sorry for the late reply.

Do you use Bluetooth? If so, you should ensure that "bluetooth" service is running. That's one of the reasons for that error. For that you should install the packages "bluez" and "bluez-<yourinit>".  I guess that's the easiest way to solve the problem, if you don't want to install bluez you should check this:

I have never tried but I guess it would help you.

I use pipewire as drop-in replacement for pulseaudio and it works pretty good. I even wrote a post in my blog about that:

I did a different configuration from my blog (I should update it) that it might work for you.

1. You can even copy the configurations from /usr/share/pipewire/ to /etc/pipewire (But first make a backup of your files in your computer before doing anything)

2. In the "/etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf" file  uncomment those lines:

Code: [Select]
 { path = "/usr/bin/pipewire-media-session"  args = "" }


Code: [Select]
{ path = "/usr/bin/pipewire" args = "-c pipewire-pulse.conf" }

3. In the .xinitc just add

Code: [Select]
 exec pipewire & 

I hope I could help you with something. Best regards.

Artix Linux Colombia