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Topic: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice (Read 5285 times) previous topic - next topic
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Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Yesterday I updated my system, one of the many packages that were updated was icu, updating to icu-60 from icu-59. After this update however, pacman, kde plasma, libreoffice, and even basic applications like screenfetch were broken; I have found solutions to fix all of these problems though which I will be detailing in this post.

Pacman: Error while loading shared libraries:

To fix bug related to pacman I followed the steps in this section of the archlinux wiki:

unpack the library needed in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ in this case it is icu-59.1-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz then mv all the files to their respective locations in the /usr directory and once pacman starts working again force reinstall the new package (icu-60) by doing
sudo pacman -S system/icu --force

KDE Plasma: could not start kdeinit5 check your installation.

Make sure you have icu and harfbuzz (and harfbuzz-icu) updated to the latest version, or else plasma will fail to run (among other things)

LibreOffice fails to start

This one is a little bit more complicated, you'll need to have icu-60 installed AND the icu-59 libs in the /usr/lib/ folder, so
unpack icu-59 from /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ and move all of the files in usr/lib/ that end with .59 or .59.1 to your /usr/lib/ directory.

Following these steps might also fix any other icu related bugs from the last update.

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #1
For Cinnamon DE Crashing .................
enable "arch testing" in /etc/pacman.conf and then "sudo pacman -Syyu" this updated the following files*, nothing directly related to cinnamon, but on a reboot cinnamon works again.

upgraded foomatic-db-engine (4:4.0.12-6 -> 4:4.0.12-7)
upgraded gnome-keyring (1:3.20.1-1 -> 1:3.27.2-1)
upgraded js38 (38.8.0-3 -> 38.8.0-4)
upgraded qt4 (4.8.7-22 -> 4.8.7-23)
upgraded webkit2gtk (2.18.3-1 -> 2.18.3-2)

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #2
My solution was to install testing/libreoffice-fresh, which started without any missing library errors. However, libreoffice is not detecting my java runtime environment, and so libreoffice-extension-languagetool is not working.

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #3
a good check for java is simply "java -version" the latest version gave me errors and I have had to downgrade it to make it work.

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #4
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fe02b50d84b, pid=9588, tid=0x00007fe00775d700
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_144-b01) (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.144-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# V  []
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/<omitted>/hs_err_pid9588.log

[error occurred during error reporting , id 0xb]

# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

Is this the same error you get? If so, what version do I downgrade to?

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #5
Yes exactly the same
use "sudo pacman -Rdd"
then  I chose (3) the first one down that had a different version
sudo downgrade jre8-openjdk
sudo downgrade jdk8-openjdk
sudo downgrade jre8-openjdk-headless

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #6
That did the trick! Thanks a bunch! For anyone else who stumbles into this thread, you'll need the "downgrade" package from the AUR. I had no idea there was a package like this available. I'll probably use it for other version related issues I run into.

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #7
I'm reading all these complex solutions to fix this and I just don't understand why not just install BOTH versions of icu

For such an unimportant library, it has created a lot of stress  and reminds my of the troubles with gtk3 themes and firefox.

The real problem here, IMO, that all these packages that were broken with the ICU upgrade have broken dependencies and that needs to be fixed.  When the upgrade of ICU happened, they should have all came up as conflicts.  That is what the package manager is for.

Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #8
If you know how to run the two icu's in one installation because I could not see how to do it.
You can add 59 folder to "usr/lib/icu" as the other folder is called 61 but the current and shortcuts have the same name. If you know of a way to do it please explain.


Re: Fixes for icu related bugs from yesterday's update: Plasma, pacman, LibreOffice

Reply #11
Hi guys Been to busy with life before the rainy season, to find could not update due to  Pacman: Error while loading shared libraries: Simple to fix but a bit annoying never mind all fine now all working fine.