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Topic: [SOLVED] [Openrc] Opening lid followed by a black screen (Read 750 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] [Openrc] Opening lid followed by a black screen

Hello, I'm very new here. I have been using artix for a while, and something which is bummin me is when i close the lid, and open it OR when i turn my computer and open it , i see a black screen ! Any way to fix this issue ? Thanks


amd-ucode 20211027.1d00989-1
xf86-video-amdgpu 21.0.0-2

i don't know what else to put in here, tell me and i'll post.


Re: [Openrc] Opening lid followed by a black screen

Reply #3
I fixed the issue by changing my kernal to LTS from the zen kernal. I might just use the hardened kernal at this point