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Topic: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch (Read 3663 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #1
In fosstodon (A mastodon instance) there are many people who is trying Artix and some of them are using it as daily driver.
Artix Linux Colombia

Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #4
To the moon and beyond!

Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #9
Artix is my only beautiful OS for over a year !!
I don't see any point in looking towards other Linux OS
Distrowatch - either stupid or lying
i3-3210 / 10GB / VGA Intel HD 2500 / SSD 240GB /  / Kernel 6.6.32 / KDE 5.116 / Plasma 5.27.11 / Ungoogled-Chromium


Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #10
Distrowatch - either stupid or lying
Neither, they never claimed to be accurate about their ranking system.

"The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring the popularity of Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on was accessed each day, nothing more."

Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #12
Neither, they never claimed to be accurate about their ranking system.

"The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring the popularity of Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on was accessed each day, nothing more."

They can also direct users' attention to click a specific distro if that guy "Jesse" writes a "good" review on that distro and publishes it on It's all about business & $$$.

Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #13
Artix is one of the best systemd free distros out there

Artix is the only systemd distro I trust and has, IMO, stability.  I appreciate how much work is done to do this and can never say Thank You enough.  It is a huge undertaking to run a new distro.  SuSE , after decades, is killing its release versions and people are  in an uproar that they forget the most basic fact of these free software projects, which is that they take a lot of work, and mostly run by volunteers with limited, if any, financial pay off.   So to Artoo and company, I give you my love and regards and thanks.

Re: Artix has now 100 user ratings on Distrowatch

Reply #14
I love Artix! Freeing users of systemd! I hope the rest of the community does so as well even if it fragments and creates more variants. I think it will be good for linux in general. Like how gnome went to shit on its users, and drop quite a bit of functionality for so called sleekness and minimalism. Now theres much more DE/MWs than before to fill the void!

I have artix on 3 of my systems so far. Runit on 2, and dinit on my media pc. Works flawlessly, and quick on both of them. Probably will try S6 sometimes soon.