$ sudo check-link-consistency
WARN Config file not found, using defaults.
INFO Analyzing installed packages...
INFO Scanning filesystem for bins & libs...
INFO Resolving libs...
INFO Downloading optional dependencies of problematic packages...
error: target not found: python2-pip
ERR PacMan_Arch:181: exec(pacman -Sw) failed: `/usr/bin/pacman` exited with status 1
Check IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf.
Aborting: downloaded archives can be damaged.
When I tried to install python2-pip-git from the AUR then I got half a screenful of further dep problems:
error: unable to satisfy dependency 'python2-setuptools-scm' required by python2-pytest
error: unable to satisfy dependency 'python2-cachecontrol' required by python2-pip-git
for example - so perhaps python2-pip should be packaged as well, or check-link-consistency could be persuaded to use a current edition of python - obviously not if it was difficult to achieve. I'm sure these deps could be resolved by installing enough AUR packages but it seems a bit awkward to use at present. The -N flag bypassed these errors so it could give some output.