Found now one way more to shutdown/reboot (what the heck, how many exists? )
(based on the posted link here
But didnt seem to work:
[user@terra ~]$ shutdown
/usr/bin/openrc-shutdown --single
* openrc-shutdown: you must be root
[user@terra ~]$ sudo shutdown
/usr/bin/openrc-shutdown --single
* openrc-shutdown: No shutdown time specified
Usage: openrc-shutdown -c | --cancel
or: openrc-shutdown -R | --reexec
or: openrc-shutdown -w | --write-only
or: openrc-shutdown -H | --halt time
or: openrc-shutdown -K | --kexec time
or: openrc-shutdown -p | --poweroff time
or: openrc-shutdown -r | --reboot time
or: openrc-shutdown -s | --single time
Options: [ cdDfFHKpRrswChqVv ]
-c, --cancel cancel a pending shutdown
-d, --no-write do not write wtmp record
-D, --dry-run print actions instead of executing them
-H, --halt halt the system
-K, --kexec reboot the system using kexec
-p, --poweroff power off the system
-R, --reexec re-execute init (use after upgrading)
-r, --reboot reboot the system
-s, --single single user mode
-w, --write-only write wtmp boot record and exit
-h, --help Display this help output
-C, --nocolor Disable color output
-V, --version Display software version
-v, --verbose Run verbosely
-q, --quiet Run quietly (repeat to suppress errors)
[user@terra ~]$ sudo shutdown --version
shutdown: invalid command line option
[user@terra ~]$ sudo shutdown -V
shutdown: invalid command line option
[user@terra ~]$ sudo shutdown -v
shutdown: invalid command line option
[user@terra ~]$ sudo shutdown --verbose
shutdown: invalid command line option
[user@terra ~]$