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Topic: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible (Read 4280 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #15
A daemon is a program that runs as a "background" process (without a terminal or user interface), commonly waiting for events to occur and offering services.

A Daemon background process are nothing for me. I want a graphical user interface of Spotify.
Looks like I need flatpak.

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #16
A Daemon background process are nothing for me. I want a graphical user interface of Spotify.
Looks like I need flatpak.
This particular daemon also doubles as a CLI to its another running instance. It is also fully functional.

There are spotify-related packages in AUR, but like I said above, those are user-produced and Artix has nothing to do with them. There are no guarantees nor support provided by Artix team about them. For any support or questions about those packages, refer to their pages on instead.

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #17
A Daemon background process are nothing for me. I want a graphical user interface of Spotify.
Looks like I need flatpak.
You should decide what do you want to do:
  - to run spotify in its flatpak version
  - to install pamac with flatpak support included

Judging from your screenshot, you already have flatpak installed.

pamac, with or without flatpak support, is not needed at all to install and to run flatpak's version of spotify.  Both actions are performed with native flatpak CLI commands.

To install spotify with flatpak:
Code: [Select]
flatpak install spotify
Then use Application ID to run spotify from within flatpak:
Code: [Select]
flatpak run com.spotify.Client

flatpak doesn't add Spotify menu entry, and doesn't create any graphical element to start it up.  If you want to see Spotify entry in GUI, you should create by hand a .desktop file, a script, a menu entry, a button, an icon, whatever you want with "flatpak run com.spotify.Client" command assigned to it.

On the other hand, if you want to have pamac with flatpak support, then:

1. Uninstall pamac-gtk with all its dependencies
2. Install any of:
  - aur/pamac-nosnap
  - aur/pamac-all
  - aur/pamac-all-git
  - aur/pamac-flatpak (outdated)

Some of listed packages either won't install or won't work.  Read comments by following the links.

Use AUR your own risk.  No distribution provides a support for AUR packages.

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #18
Installing Flatpak via the console I found out myself on the Flathub website and did it. It's not a secret.
In this thread I asked how to get Flatpak with Pamac. The answer was.
To get Flatpak in Pamac, you need an AUR helper (yaourt(ix) or yay). I chose yay because the 3 letters are easy to remember as a newbie. Now I installed yay via the pacman console and uninstalled the pamac I had preinstalled.
On the Arch Aur website I first went for pamac-all 10.3.0-2 and today tried to install pamac-nosnap 10.3.0-2 unsuccessfully with yay. Unfortunately I still get the error message that I can not fix. Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Of course I would like to have flatpak in pamac for later software that cannot be found in pacman. In Pamac GUI you can find more clearly the software you want and feels more comfortable as a beginner. Especially for users who do not know how to use the terminal or do not know the terminal language, e.g. my parents. I'm going to switch to Artix Xfce and try my luck again. Personally I find KDE a bit too cluttered and overloaded with features and uses for my taste too small visual icon buttons without text as settings that are well hidden. In neofetch it also needs 5Gb RAM and it feels slow too, although only my browser is active. Booting also takes a bit longer for me than I'm used to. Nice
Fortunately, the Artix installation is ready in 10 minutes.

Code: [Select]
User:[home]:~$ su
Password: top secret
User:[root]:/home/home# pacman -R pamac-gtk
error: target not found: pamac-gtk
User:[root]:/home/home# pacman -R pamac
error: target not found: pamac
User:[root]:/home/home# yay pamac-nosnap
 -> Avoid running yay as root/sudo.
2 aur/libpamac-nosnap 1:11.2.0-1 (+0 0.00)
    Library for Pamac package manager based on libalpm - flatpak support enabled
1 aur/pamac-nosnap 10.3.0-2 (+3 1.74)
    A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm (with AUR, flatpak, appindicator)
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)
==> 1
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Aur:2]  libpamac-nosnap-1:11.2.0-1  pamac-nosnap-10.3.0-2

:: (0/2) Downloaded PKGBUILD: libpamac-nosnap
:: (0/2) Downloaded PKGBUILD: pamac-nosnap
 -> error fetching libpamac-nosnap: 
         context: exec: "systemd-run": executable file not found in $PATH

error fetching pamac-nosnap: 
         context: exec: "systemd-run": executable file not found in $PATH


Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #19
Of course I would like to have flatpak in pamac for later software that cannot be found in pacman. In Pamac GUI you can find more clearly the software you want and feels more comfortable as a beginner. Especially for users who do not know how to use the terminal or do not know the terminal language, e.g. my parents.
Kein Kommentar.
"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #20
@Rainbow Sun
pamac-gtk, pamac-all, pamac-all-git, pamac-nosnap, pamac-flatpak are all full, self-sufficient and mutualy exclusive packages.  A package named "pamac" doesn't exist.  There're no plugins or extensions for any of these "pamacs".  pamac-flatpak is not an extension for pamac-gtk.

Only one package at a time may be installed.  To install any pamac, a previous installation, if any, must be removed first.  yay is very suitable for such remove-install operations.

I've added a warning to never run yay as root.  Judging from your output - now removed with the edit, - it was ignored.  Again: never run yay as root.  Always run yay as a regular user.

I never use pamac, flatpaks, snaps, spotify, and don't have much experience with any of them.  They were installed solely to illustrate the answer.

Can't reproduce here the errors you encounter.  I installed pamac-nosnap without an issue with the command:
Code: [Select]
yay -S pamac-nosnap

This is the result of installed pamac-nosnap interrogation.  Note that -Q pacman's command queries only installed pkgs, i.e. pkgs on a user's computer.  It doesn't look for anything in repos or elsewhere:
Code: [Select]
$ dt && pacman -Qii pamac-nosnap
Current datetime:
2022-01-28 07:33:51

Name            : pamac-nosnap
Version         : 10.3.0-2
Description     : A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm (with AUR, flatpak, appindicator)
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : pamac
Depends On      : libnotify  libpamac-nosnap  libhandy
Optional Deps   : polkit-gnome: needed for authentification in Cinnamon, Gnome [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : pamac  pamac-all  pamac-gtk  pamac-cli  pamac-common  pamac-aur  pamac-aur-git  pamac-flatpak
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 761.08 KiB
Packager        : Unknown Packager
Build Date      : Fri Jan 28 07:32:44 2022
Install Date    : Fri Jan 28 07:33:03 2022
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : None
Backup Files    :

"Install Reason  : Explicitly installed" means that pamac-nosnap was manually installed by user (me).

Installed pamac-nosnap is shown as Add/Remove Software in menu.  By default, AUR and Flatpak support are disabled in Pamac GUI.  Lets enable them; close and open Pamac GUI again for changes to take in effect:

Now that Flatpak support is enabled in Pamac GUI, it is possible to search for and install flatpak stuff.  For example, Spotify:

To comfortably open Spotify from menu, I created a menu entry for it.  This is Cinnamon.  As already said, the command assigned to Spotiry entry is:
Code: [Select]
flatpak run com.spotify.Client

Spotify window opens.  As I never used Spotify in my life, I don't have Spotify account, and will never create it:

Honestly, don't know what else can be added here.  Everything is said and explained.  A good will and dedication should be exercized to learn Artix (or Arch).

Edit:  As said, I don't have any experience with pamac.  Just found that Pamac automagically creates menu entries for software, installed from it.  So I have two Spotify entries in Cinnamon menu now.  One is created by Pamac and another is created by me.  Ergo, when Spotify is installed from Pamac, there's no need to create a menu entry for it by hand.

Pamac creates more articulated command to launch Spotify from menu:
Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=spotify --file-forwarding com.spotify.Client @@u %U @@

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #21
Of course I would like to have flatpak in pamac for later software that cannot be found in pacman. In Pamac GUI you can find more clearly the software you want and feels more comfortable as a beginner. Especially for users who do not know how to use the terminal or do not know the terminal language, e.g. my parents.,3186.msg22428.html#msg22428

Package management is administration and is not a trivial task. Newbies should leave it to more skilled users, or learn it themselves.

Using GNU/Linux requires knowledge of "terminal", be it the one who's using it, or his more knowledgeable friend. It is just a question of "when" you will need it, not "if".

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #22
The picture looks interesting. Is there more than pamac and Octopi?

As I said, I have now installed the xfce version. I have no idea why exactly this worked now with xfce. Probably my KDE desktop was broken. Now I have installed it correctly. At that time, about 6 months ago, I had installed pamac and then post-install the plugin. Now I tried to install the pamac-all 10.3.0-2 first with yay and got an error message. After that it worked with pamac-nosnap 10.3.0-2 to install the package. Yes, that you should not start yay with root rights was clear to me. But at that moment I already knew that I will reinstall my distro, because I had the feeling that kde was broken. Now I have learned here again a lot which I did not know before. Thanks to all who helped.

Code: [Select]
yay -S pamac-nosnap > (enter) > (enter) > Y


Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #23
@Rainbow Sun
pamac-gtk, pamac-all, pamac-all-git, pamac-nosnap, pamac-flatpak are all full, self-sufficient and mutualy exclusive packages.  A package named "pamac" doesn't exist.  There're no plugins or extensions for any of these "pamacs".  pamac-flatpak is not an extension for pamac-gtk.

Only one package at a time may be installed.  To install any pamac, a previous installation, if any, must be removed first.  yay is very suitable for such remove-install operations.

I've added a warning to never run yay as root.  Judging from your output - now removed with the edit, - it was ignored.  Again: never run yay as root.  Always run yay as a regular user.

I never use pamac, flatpaks, snaps, spotify, and don't have much experience with any of them.  They were installed solely to illustrate the answer.

Can't reproduce here the errors you encounter.  I installed pamac-nosnap without an issue with the command:
Code: [Select]
yay -S pamac-nosnap

This is the result of installed pamac-nosnap interrogation.  Note that -Q pacman's command queries only installed pkgs, i.e. pkgs on a user's computer.  It doesn't look for anything in repos or elsewhere:
Code: [Select]
$ dt && pacman -Qii pamac-nosnap
Current datetime:
2022-01-28 07:33:51

Name            : pamac-nosnap
Version         : 10.3.0-2
Description     : A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm (with AUR, flatpak, appindicator)
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : pamac
Depends On      : libnotify  libpamac-nosnap  libhandy
Optional Deps   : polkit-gnome: needed for authentification in Cinnamon, Gnome [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : pamac  pamac-all  pamac-gtk  pamac-cli  pamac-common  pamac-aur  pamac-aur-git  pamac-flatpak
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 761.08 KiB
Packager        : Unknown Packager
Build Date      : Fri Jan 28 07:32:44 2022
Install Date    : Fri Jan 28 07:33:03 2022
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : None
Backup Files    :

"Install Reason  : Explicitly installed" means that pamac-nosnap was manually installed by user (me).

Installed pamac-nosnap is shown as Add/Remove Software in menu.  By default, AUR and Flatpak support are disabled in Pamac GUI.  Lets enable them; close and open Pamac GUI again for changes to take in effect:

Now that Flatpak support is enabled in Pamac GUI, it is possible to search for and install flatpak stuff.  For example, Spotify:

To comfortably open Spotify from menu, I created a menu entry for it.  This is Cinnamon.  As already said, the command assigned to Spotiry entry is:
Code: [Select]
flatpak run com.spotify.Client

Spotify window opens.  As I never used Spotify in my life, I don't have Spotify account, and will never create it:

Honestly, don't know what else can be added here.  Everything is said and explained.  A good will and dedication should be exercized to learn Artix (or Arch).

Edit:  As said, I don't have any experience with pamac.  Just found that Pamac automagically creates menu entries for software, installed from it.  So I have two Spotify entries in Cinnamon menu now.  One is created by Pamac and another is created by me.  Ergo, when Spotify is installed from Pamac, there's no need to create a menu entry for it by hand.

Pamac creates more articulated command to launch Spotify from menu:
Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=spotify --file-forwarding com.spotify.Client @@u %U @@

@just, this has to be THE most comprehensive and easily understood answer to a question I may have ever read on a forum in a long time. Certainly as far from RTFM as one could ever expect.

Best regards.
We should try to be kind to everyone.....we are all fighting some sort of battle.

Re: Flatpak extension in Pamac possible

Reply #24
@conky60 Thank you!