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Topic: [SOLVED] System does not launch stage2 (Read 719 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SOLVED] System does not launch stage2

Computer is not starting anymore using suite66 ( Seems stage2 doesn't launch.

Logs, created in chroot, of verbosity 6 are:

Code: [Select]
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_table()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_table()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_table()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_table()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_uint()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_uint()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_uint()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_uint()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> string_to_table()

[Starts stage1 process...]
�66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> split_tmpfs()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> is_mnt()
66-boot(src/66/66-boot.c: main(): 686): info: Create live scandir at: /run/66
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> make_cmdline()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> run_cmdline()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/66/66-scandir.c -> parse_command()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/66/66-scandir.c -> lookup()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> yourgid()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livedir()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livescan()
66-scandir: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livedir()
66-scandir(src/66/66-scandir.c: main(): 711): info: scandir: /run/66/scandir/0 already exist, keep it
66-boot(src/66/66-boot.c: main(): 692): info: Initiate earlier service of tree: boot
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> make_cmdline()
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> run_cmdline()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ssexec_main.c -> set_ssinfo()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_ownersysdir()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/tree_sethome.c -> tree_sethome()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/tree_setname.c -> tree_setname()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/tree_get_permissions.c -> tree_get_permissions()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livedir()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livetree()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livedir()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livescan()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> set_livedir()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ssexec_init.c -> ssexec_init()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> yourgid()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/tree_get_permissions.c -> tree_get_permissions()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> scandir_ok()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_pointo()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_check()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_read()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_read_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_init()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_string()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_find_cdb()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_copy()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_add_deps()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_cmp()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_append()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_copy()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/svc_init.c -> svc_init()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_create_live()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_utils.c -> yourgid()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_pointo()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_pointo()
66-init(src/lib66/svc_init.c: svc_init(): 72): info: Initialization aborted -- tty-earlier@tty12 already initialized
66-init(src/lib66/svc_init.c: svc_init(): 73): tracing: Write state file of: tty-earlier@tty12
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_state.c -> ss_state_write()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_state.c -> ss_state_pack()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ss_resolve.c -> ss_resolve_free()
66-init: flow: entering: src/lib66/ssexec_free.c -> ssexec_free()
66-boot(src/66/66-boot.c: main(): 703): info: Starts boot logger at: /run/66/log/0
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> cad()
66-boot(src/66/66-boot.c: cad(): 531): warning: unable to trap ctrl-alt-del: Invalid argument
66-boot: flow: entering: src/66/66-boot.c -> run_stage2()


Re: System not booting up

Reply #1
chroot into it
edit /etc/66/init.conf    verbosity=4
reboot go to tty12
copy /run/66/log/0/current into a permanent location like your home if it is mounted
if / is mounted ro
Code: [Select]
mount -o remount,rw /dev/sd**** / 
replace *** with correct root partition
paste current into pastebin or whatever you use give us the link

also if from chroot you can give us
sudo 66-intree -zg
use code enclosure when you give output

Re: System not booting up

Reply #2
Code: [Select]
66-init(src/lib66/svc_init.c: svc_init(): 72): info: Initialization aborted -- tty-earlier@tty12 already initialized
You likely activated tty-earlier@tty12 in two trees (probably default). From LiveUSB artix-chroot delete all trees and recreate them (instructions in the wiki).

You can also just deactivate that service in all trees except boot and force-enable boot@system.

Re: System not booting up

Reply #3
Now computer boots up again. Thx  :D
You set me on the right track, but I wasn't able to to enter `tty12` before reinstallation of `suite66-base`.

For reference:

I have deleted `boot`-tree and reinstalled suite66-base in chrooted environment.
Code: [Select]
66-tree -D boot
pacman -Rnc suite66-base
66-tree -D default
pacman -S suite66-base avahi-suite66 bluez-suite66 cups-suite66 dbus-suite66 dhcpcd-suite66 networkmanager-suite66 sane-suite66
Then enabled default services and reconfigured environment of boot@system.

Previous tree graph (not booting up; in chrooted environment):
Code: [Select]
Name         : boot
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               |-(0,Enabled,classic) tty-earlier@tty12
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-hostname
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) populate-run
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-tmp
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) populate-tmp
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-proc
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-sys
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) populate-sys
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-dev
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-pts
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-shm
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) populate-dev
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-cgroups
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) 00
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-hwclock
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) modules-kernel
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-random
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) modules-system
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-sysctl
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) udevd-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) udevd
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) udevadm
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-fontnkey
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) devices-btrfs
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) system-Devices
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) all-Mount
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) system-fsck
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-fstab
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-nfs
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) all-System
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-rw
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-authfiles
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-loop
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-sethostname
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-time
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-tmpfiles
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-rc
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-dmesg
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) local-locale
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) mount-netfs
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) all-Local
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) all-Runtime
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,bundle) All
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty1
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty2
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty3
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty4
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty5
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,module) boot@system

Name         : default
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) dbus
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) bluetoothd-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) bluetoothd
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) cupsd-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) cupsd
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) NetworkManager-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) NetworkManager
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) logind-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) logind

Name         : user_services
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : default
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,oneshot) setenv@sapp
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) svscan@sapp-log
               |-(0,Enabled,longrun) svscan@sapp
               |-(unitialized,Enabled,module) scandir@sapp

Current graph tree (of booted system):
Code: [Select]
Name         : user-services
Initialized  : no
Enabled      : no
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->backup
Contents     : /
               ├─(unitialized,Disabled,oneshot) setenv@sapp
               ├─(0,Disabled,longrun) svscan@sapp-log
               ├─(0,Disabled,longrun) svscan@sapp
               └─(unitialized,Disabled,module) scandir@sapp

Name         : boot
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : None
Current      : no
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(256,Enabled,classic) tty-earlier@tty12
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-run
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-tmp
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-proc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-sys
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-pts
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-shm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) populate-dev
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-cgroups
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) 00
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-hwclock
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-kernel
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-random
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) modules-system
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-sysctl
               ├─(309,Enabled,longrun) udevd-log
               ├─(523,Enabled,longrun) udevd
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) udevadm
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fontnkey
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Mount
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) system-fsck
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-fstab
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-nfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-System
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-rw
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-authfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-loop
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-sethostname
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-time
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-tmpfiles
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-rc
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-dmesg
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) local-locale
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) mount-netfs
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) all-Local
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) all-Runtime
               ├─(up,Enabled,bundle) All
               ├─(1241,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty1
               ├─(966,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty2
               ├─(965,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty3
               ├─(961,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty4
               ├─(964,Enabled,longrun) tty-rc@tty5
               └─(up,Enabled,module) boot@system

Name         : default
Initialized  : yes
Enabled      : yes
Starts after : boot
Current      : yes
Allowed      : root
Symlinks     : svc->source db->source
Contents     : /
               ├─(1001,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd-log
               ├─1002,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd
               ├─(up,Enabled,oneshot) setenv@sapp
               ├─(1041,Enabled,longrun) svscan@sapp-log
               ├─(1090,Enabled,longrun) svscan@sapp
               ├─(up,Enabled,module) scandir@sapp
               ├─(1048,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
               ├─(1064,Enabled,longrun) dbus
               ├─(1049,Enabled,longrun) avahi-daemon-log
               ├─(1129,Enabled,longrun) avahi-daemon
               ├─(1050,Enabled,longrun) cupsd-log
               ├─(1063,Enabled,longrun) cupsd
               ├─(1043,Enabled,longrun) logind-log
               ├─(1127,Enabled,longrun) logind
               ├─(1051,Enabled,longrun) NetworkManager-log
               ├─(1130,Enabled,longrun) NetworkManager
               ├─(1047,Enabled,longrun) bluetoothd-log
               └─(1128,Enabled,longrun) bluetoothd

Boot up log (after reinstalling): see attachment b-0741.txt

Re: System does not launch stage2

Reply #4
An unnecessary step, since what the pacman hook does after installation is to create the boot tree and force-enable boot@system service if boot tree doesn't exist, and create the default tree if it doesn't exist.

In any case, I'm glad that you solved your problem.