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Topic: artools (Read 2198 times) previous topic - next topic
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I am trying to use artools to build a custom version of Artix. I am experimenting with replacing zlib with zlib-ng and openssl with libressl as well as compiling with -march=native rather than -march=x86_64. I made several attempts to do this on my own. I was able to use buildtree to pull all the PKGBUILDs, but I was unable to build anything because it seems I couldn't figure out how to set up the chroots properly. Any hints/suggestions/recipes would be greatly appreciated. The whole concept of Artix is really cool.  :)


Re: artools

Reply #1
I am trying to use artools to build a custom version of Artix. I am experimenting with replacing zlib with zlib-ng and openssl with libressl as well as compiling with -march=native rather than -march=x86_64. I made several attempts to do this on my own. I was able to use buildtree to pull all the PKGBUILDs, but I was unable to build anything because it seems I couldn't figure out how to set up the chroots properly. Any hints/suggestions/recipes would be greatly appreciated. The whole concept of Artix is really cool.  :)

Have you seen this,30.0.html
 does it help?
Actually I am in the process of learning how to build an iso with no net-install and have calamares install it I'm nearly there I have it all working just need to tidy the info.

Re: artools

Reply #2
We use buildpkg on our buildserver to compile our packages in clean chroot. All setup is taken care by the script itself, which needs root privileges, so give your user sudo access to buildpkg. Copy /etc/artools/artools.conf to ~/.config/artools/artools.conf and edit to your liking.

Code: [Select]
% buildpkg -h
Usage: buildpkg [options] -- [makepkg_args]
    -p <pkg>           Package to build [default: ]
    -a <arch>          Arch [default: x86_64]
    -r <dir>           Chroots directory [default: /var/lib/artools/buildpkg]
    -z <repo>          Repo name
    -c                 Create root chroot
    -q                 Query settings and pretend build
    -h                 This help

Re: artools

Reply #3
Have you seen this,30.0.html
 does it help?
Actually I am in the process of learning how to build an iso with no net-install and have calamares install it I'm nearly there I have it all working just need to tidy the info.
Once you've succeded, you must write a nice how-to for the wiki. :)

Re: artools

Reply #5
Its a mission impossible for @robin0800
Buildiso does not configure calamares to extract images, no code for that present on artix.
Its not I have done it Just wait and see. By the way do you know if calamares will still work if  net-groups and net install is still in the iso
at present I remove all of them.

Re: artools

Reply #6
Its not I have done it Just wait and see. By the way do you know if calamares will still work if  net-groups and net install is still in the iso
at present I remove all of them.

As said, buildiso has no code whatsoever to configure calamares like it did on manjaro.
buildiso only supports netinstalls currently.
Any calamares configuration dealing with extracting images has to be manually fiddled in iso chroot before compressing.
Thats the bottom line atm, I simply removed any support for image extraction.

Re: artools

Reply #7
As said, buildiso has no code whatsoever to configure calamares like it did on manjaro.
buildiso only supports netinstalls currently.
Any calamares configuration dealing with extracting images has to be manually fiddled in iso chroot before compressing.
Thats the bottom line atm, I simply removed any support for image extraction.
I am just submitting my method in the "how to" please try and the see what you think?
its in

Re: artools

Reply #8
I am just submitting my method in the "how to" please try and the see what you think?
its in

No time for that, its simply not officially supported, you are on your own.
I may reimplement it at some point, but right now its not the proper time to do it.
Its a strategic decision to not have it supported, to prevent dozens of 3rtd party iso branded artix being uploaded without support, ie we would have to deal with any flaws, which we don't want right now. Releasing install media comes with responsibility.

Re: artools

Reply #9
Once you've succeded, you must write a nice how-to for the wiki. :)
Its in the howto at the moment as it is only me who has tested this and until someone else agrees it works I can't reccomend it goes in the wiki.