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Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #1
I am comfortable with Linux but I am not into writing scripts and using terminal to rename files and whatnot. I'm after efficiency, performance, security and privacy.
These things coalign. To do anything serious beyond clicking around in GUI apps you need to "get dirty" with the command line. The command line is the truth of Unix-like operating systems. GUI is the eye candy black box pulled over the internals, concealing them from the user (and thus clashing with all of the efficiency, performance, security and privacy goals).


Reply #2

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #3
I'll still press CTRL+E and click on the drive box faster than you opening a terminal and typing fdisk -l, read the output and type mount /dev/sdx /media/usb.
What will you do when the drive isn't listed in the "app"? What will you do when clicking inside the "app" just gives you an error message box? What will you do when the "app" where you would click doesn't even launch or crashes?

When using GUI apps, most of the time the user has no idea what they are programmed to do, and cannot or isn't given the choice to change it. Debugging potential problems is also harder.

@Thread: this is a very broad and complex subject without definitive answers. If you want performance, security, privacy and stability, don't use software bloat like desktop environments, display managers and GUI apps. All the bloated software uses more resources and is slower than simple programs. Login through getty, use lighter GUI like dwm and suckless software. Set up a firewall, tighten up the overall system configuration and avoid binary blobs like Discord, Telegram, Viber and so on.

Since currently I'm not in the mood to write literal walls of text, that's all I have to say on such a broad subject. Search the web for more information if you are really interested in the topic.


Reply #4

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #5
Mac or Windows, the competitors of Linux
Oh my days.

It seems to me that you want (a) a certain level of convenience, (b) overall robustness, (c) not having to do much of anything yourself. My experience of the world  is that (a)+(b)+(c) doesn't exist. Not in computing, or anywhere else. Either you put together, yourself and with great pains, what satisfies you, or you settle for something else. Like Windows. Or systemd. Or a new car (how's the privacy&transparency on yours?).

Anywho, since you persist with the question, I'll give my 2c. For your purposes, the choice of init, once systemd has been ruled out, makes very little difference. They all get the job done quite well. They all need some terminal use to set up (but in most use cases, probably yours, one rarely has to touch anything after the initial setup). OpenRC has been around for a long time and has a large user base, if those are selling points for you (the same points go for, say, Firefox...). It also does very little "governing" beyond starting and stopping services, mostly at boot/shutdown, so even in principle there is little room for security holes there. But even with the more refined "supervision suites", I don't think init is any non-systemd-user's top security issue. And that is thanks to simplicity, certain smallness, something that GNU/Linux GUI at present inherently lacks.

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #6
A desktop terminal is a GUI, you see it hence graphical and you interface with it hence user interface. (You can also click, copy, paste etc.) Just press the l button, s button, enter button, and you see the contents of the directory! Then you can go on to do ls -l, ls -lh, ls -lh |grep *.txt and all sorts of other things you might struggle to replicate in the kind of GUI you refer to, especially in commercial OS's.  ;D

You can find firewalls, antivirus, apparmor, security hardened kernels, SELINUX apps, and all manner of stuff to secure your system better in the repos and AUR, the Arch Linux Wiki is a useful reference. There are even entire 3rd party non-standard repos devoted to specialist security related software.

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #7

Not quite:
The graphical user interface (GUI /ˌdʒiːjuːˈaɪ/ JEE-yoo-EYE[1][Note 1] or /ˈɡuːi/[2] GOO-ee) is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation, instead of text-based user interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation. GUIs were introduced in reaction to the perceived steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs),[3][4][5] which require commands to be typed on a computer keyboard.

Technically, a terminal emulator indeed does draw its screen in a graphical window, by calling graphical routines, but the interaction is usually done through the use of keyboard, with the exception of mouse selection/paste, if supported. Terminal emulators such as gnome-terminal or lxterminal do include other GUI elements such as the preferences window or menus, but for example suckless terminal does not.

But those are minor details, I think it should be clear what I meant earlier.

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #8
Yes, looks like you are right when reading the definition there! But I tend to think of a true CLI as being something like you had on a 80's personal computer, where you booted to a flashing cursor, typed commands in a form of BASIC, there was no mouse or pointing device, if you wanted to know how to work it you read the paper user manual and perhaps got some other books. The tty with no desktop environment is more akin to this.
 Now you can have multiple tabs in a resizable window, split screen display on some, all sorts of GUI config from menus and right click options, click on links, copy paste, autocompletion. It's all part of what to me at least seems a graphical environment when you can click on a panel still visible onscreen to open a browser, search for the command to use online and paste it into a terminal emulator. To use a browser it's often possible or required to type in lexical content in address / search bars and on web content, or you can even hit F12, but nobody would consider a browser as being a CLI device (unless it is w3m or something like that  :D )
 So perhaps it's helpful to think of a terminal as only being another graphical element that you simply need to learn a little how to use, the same as with a browser.
(Also note I was trying to be encouraging towards benny1987 rather than being critical of anybody's definition of "GUI")

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #9
Wall of text warning friends.

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Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #10
Typically FOSS software is very good at not doing any shady stuff like phoning home, but it's no guarantee (looking at you, Canonical), if you're really paranoid about stuff like that you can run programs using a sandboxing application like firejail to minimise the risk.
2. Brave, although annoyingly getting more bloated by the day, is probably the best choice for 90% of people (i.e. you want all the sensible security stuff, want to keep JS functionality and don't have the knowledge and/or time to roll your own hardened FireFox config). Also has what is (to my knowledge) currently the best ad blocker available (without disabling all JS that is) which makes it very nice.

3. Rolling your own FireFox config, this is a bit of a time consuming process (although there are custom user.js that speed this up considerably), because you do pretty much everything yourself, you have the best guarantee of getting the exact level of privacy and security you expect (no relying on someone else doing the work for you.
Both Brave and Mozilla Firefox are spyware. They phone home a lot.

Choose your browser carefully
How to choose a browser for everyday use?

Specific parts: about Firefox about Firefox about Brave about Brave

Separate article on just about Mozilla:
Mozilla - Devil Incarnate

If you really can't get without using Firefox, use Librewolf at least. It also phones home, but less than unaltered Firefox.

My recommendation is Ungoogled-chromium as the most privacy-respecting non-TOR browser. This  comes from someone (me) who first started using the Web in 1996 through Netscape Navigator, later a big fan of Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Firefox. It simply isn't what it used to be.

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #11
Choose your browser carefully
How to choose a browser for everyday use?

Specific parts: about Firefox about Firefox about Brave about Brave

Separate article on just about Mozilla:
Mozilla - Devil Incarnate

If you really can't get without using Firefox, use Librewolf at least. It also phones home, but less than unaltered Firefox.

I've seen the criticisms of Brave, but they frankly they all seem (to me), at best whiny cope (which is a shame, since there are very legitimate criticisms you can make, people just aren't doing it). The real fact of the matter though is that Every web browser absolutely sucks there are just some that are less rubbish than others.

My recommendation is Ungoogled-chromium as the most privacy-respecting non-TOR browser. This  comes from someone (me) who first started using the Web in 1996 through Netscape Navigator, later a big fan of Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Firefox. It simply isn't what it used to be.

96? Whew lad I think the first time I ever used a computer was in 2000? 01? And that feels like an eternity ago. I do remember using Firefox from around 04 I think.

I think it's a real pity that FireFox has fallen from grace, it really did used to be the best at a time when browsers were pretty good, where did it all go wrong?

Re: Help me polish my configuration pre-install towards security and performance

Reply #12
I've seen the criticisms of Brave, but they frankly they all seem (to me), at best whiny cope (which is a shame, since there are very legitimate criticisms you can make, people just aren't doing it). The real fact of the matter though is that Every web browser absolutely sucks there are just some that are less rubbish than others.
The author of that text is admitting himself that Brave is problematic, in a
text which is supposed to defend it:
I agree strongly with the argument from the Spyware Watchdog site above that Brave should not make any unsolicited requests to sites, especially auto-updates, and if it has a reason to, it should have some menu option to disable it. Any connections a browser makes in the background for these purposes or for analytics should be disabled by default too.
Should be, I agree, but they aren't.