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Topic: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel (Read 695 times) previous topic - next topic
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pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

some weeks or days ago i updated my system with pacman -Syu and rebooted after i noticed the command ended. which broke my kernel, giving the error that i had to load the kernel first. i then spent hours reinstalling the kernel on a liveiso which only fixed itself with another pacman -Syu from there. i did this again one day and the same happened, what could be causing this? i dont have any weird packages or anything


Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #1
>giving the error that i had to load the kernel first.

So your system had booted fine, but then pacman complained that you needed to load the kernel first?

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #2
Can you provide any log files, including the one from pacman?

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #3
>giving the error that i had to load the kernel first.

So your system had booted fine, but then pacman complained that you needed to load the kernel first?
well it didnt boot at all after i rebooted after the pacman -Syu,  it gave that error when i tried to boot

Can you provide any log files, including the one from pacman?
pacman gave me nothing (no logs), like normal. i cant give the log the boot menu gave me because its currently booting normally so i cant access it

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #4
 A possible explanation is that you made something that you think was minor while in fact proved not to be  that minor. You said you rebooted after the kernel installation but my opinion is that is not advisable to reboot or shutdown extremely fast even if the update command finished, file system still performs behind the scenes operation needed to keep system data integrity and consistent. There is not by mistake a 1 minute that usually system takes before reboot/shutdown. My advice is never 'shutdown -h now' and give the system 1 minute to shutdown.
 There could be errors when you shutdown and disks do not umount properly or system still writes things to the disk. The Achille's heel of an OS is in my opinion the quality of the SSD's and the file system used.
 Last thing is you never should shutdown/reboot as root cos userland operations may get sudden interrupted with bad impact on user files that currently performs read/writes/exec

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #5
> Last thing is you never should shutdown/reboot as root cos userland operations may get sudden interrupted with bad impact on user files that currently performs read/writes/exec

Depends on init, but on openrc shutting down as root is fine since processes get a SIGTERM and the OS waits for some time for the processes to finish and exit, and only those that hang get a SIGKILL

> A possible explanation is that you made something that you think was minor while in fact proved not to be  that minor. You said you rebooted after the kernel installation but my opinion is that is not advisable to reboot or shutdown extremely fast even if the update command finished, file system still performs behind the scenes operation needed to keep system data integrity and consistent. There is not by mistake a 1 minute that usually system takes before reboot/shutdown. My advice is never 'shutdown -h now' and give the system 1 minute to shutdown.

Not really, even if you shutdown immediatly after an upgrade, the OS will still wait for all write operations to be completed before unmounting all filesystems, so it's fine.

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #6
These are the commands on xfce for the shutdown/reboot. As anyone can see first they logout from user session and only then it proceeds to shutdown. Even is considered safe by some i still think is even better to first log out  ;) Also on my system when i shutdown it counts down 60 sec and only after that it goes down.

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #7
alright i started using the kitty terminal and now i think i know why this is happening

error: archlinux-keyring: signature from "Dudemanguy <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/archlinux-keyring-20220831-1.1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).

maybe something i did when i was setting up artix?

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #8
kek never using konsole again. that was why it was breaking but after i did it on kitty it worked fine

Re: pacman -Syu breaks my kernel

Reply #9
on the rare occasion anyone else has the same issue i saw on another thread that updating artix-keyring would solve this and it did for me. so the solution for me was to use another terminal emulator and update artix-keyring