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Refreshed logo for Artix

I'm a designer and programmer - as a whole I do quite many things, I created a "future" logo of Artix, please let me know what can you propose, it's only idea but it could be used.  8)

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #1
I suppose, current logo is quite decent, and it isn't in an urgent need to be changed.

Your variant resembles me a torn-off arrow or something alike. It doesn't even resemble the glyph A, it's much more like greek lambda, as for me.

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #2
While the design is very decent, it strikes me more like an Arch logo variation than Artix one. Plus, our current logo is very sexy and appealing and makes our haters seethe, so I believe it's not changing any time soon.

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #3
While the design is very decent, it strikes me more like an Arch logo variation than Artix one. Plus, our current logo is very sexy and appealing and makes our haters seethe, so I believe it's not changing any time soon.
Artix has haters?

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #4
I hate flat.
"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #5
it isn't in an urgent need to be changed.
I haven't urged or directed that it needs to be replaced at once or asap.

It doesn't even resemble the glyph A, it's much more like greek lambda.
I'd discuss, Artix's logo there's now, doesn't seem like letter A as well, it's more like a pointer or a triangle, and it looks like broken apart to me, but don't think I assaulted it, it's fine but that's an impression I sometimes get. I admit mine may look like a lambda but I think it's A in font that was basis my work comes from, maybe if you saw the rest of letters, it would begin to mean it.
I like seeing better quality graphics, improvements happen all around in that respect. A side note: Some people keep using pre i586 CPUs and believe they're greatest and that a newer equipment wouldn't offer them anything really better as if computers weren't going further. BTW, if logo changes, it doesn't mean Artix changes.

Yes, you, but I ask you, don't be "everybody".

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #6
Few different ones for a change.

Probably saying this now isn't exactly good with that, it is A :).

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #7
The template for the logo is a tetrahedron and not a letter A.
The way I see it, the logo symbolizes pacman, openrc and runit;)
"Wer alles kann, macht nichts richtig"

Artix USE="runit openrc slim openbox lxde gtk2 qt4 qt5 qt6 conky
-gtk3 -gtk4 -adwaita{cursors,themes,icons} -gnome3 -kde -plasma -wayland "

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #8
It's a strong word, hate, which should be used cautiously IMO, you become impolite fast but it's not nice to be overtaken by that sombreness, I more understand dislike or don't like very much. I like flat + also 3D graphics, perhaps 3D a lot more, it's great and you can use it in many ways, however I won't avoid flat when it looks fine or there's some use for it, don't want to decline various options. Yours is unclear and dark, like it was some meaningless piece of decoration for a game that has low number of details, like before quite some time ago game which has no rounded shapes, where you go to antique ruins and it would be a piece probably on the ground you just pass by or something, I see it as that. Don't be so flat haha.


Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #9
Hi all, the Artix Logo is already a nice and unique one. I suggest you try to work with the existing one. Who ever made the existing one probably spend some good time with it. Your first Preview need much more time and work to get any kind of normal Interest. It is a base for now, keep working on it tho and also work with revisions so make different versions  of your preview and compare them to each other to figure out whats better. In the end it have to attract most of the people especially the chef and he already got a banger/hit one.  I suggest your next work you post inhere should be a banger reskin/texture of the existing Artix @lq  made a good way point to start. flat is not enough. I am also going to post a reskin soon. Maybe we can all work something out together, why not. Happy to be here

this original

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #10
See here for logo history and origin:,650.0.html,829.0.html
It's a very good logo design, but a logo essentially provides a symbolic identifier, a visual shorthand for the project name, a new one would lose the current association, which is why you might find some inertia towards change, it has become a functional item, not something to be judged simply on artistic merits. Regardless of whether it's adopted as the official logo, doubtless you could put it to use if you could create some desktop background / splash screens, or as a more ambitious project, a theme for your favorite desktop incorporating this?

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #11
wow  intresting that it was made by the community so here ya go. We keep pushing it tho  :D  @Everyone nice job. I wonder will he get a mention notification about this reply. I actually started working on a a rework of the full logo inlcuding a background.
this original

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #12
Artix doesn’t need a new logo and never has. It’s like a Mercedes-Benz logo.

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #13
Hi all, the Artix Logo is already a nice and unique one. I suggest you try to work with the existing one. Who ever made the existing one probably spend some good time with it. Your first Preview need much more time and work to get any kind of normal Interest. It is a base for now, keep working on it tho and also work with revisions so make different versions  of your preview and compare them to each other to figure out whats better. In the end it have to attract most of the people especially the chef and he already got a banger/hit one.  I suggest your next work you post inhere should be a banger reskin/texture of the existing Artix @lq  made a good way point to start. flat is not enough. I am also going to post a reskin soon. Maybe we can all work something out together, why not. Happy to be here

I happen to run music studio and graphics studio but how would you imagine, we make various flat & 3D gfx, whatever we want to achieve, our creativity surpasses naysayers. You should rather tone down your way of saying, "sentences like that.", "which are very spare." aren't really good, and it seems like you're terrorizing and it's not what we can let you for.

Re: Refreshed logo for Artix

Reply #14
Artix doesn’t need a new logo and never has. It’s like a Mercedes-Benz logo.

Some people just have closed heads, it could be you ;). Artix logo is OK but IMO it's not dazzling, I grasp it could be so for you & many but in my view it's not that it isn't doable to uplift it in gfx terms.