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Topic: mpv has a useless optional dependency (Read 310 times) previous topic - next topic
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mpv has a useless optional dependency


Just take a look at the mpv PKGBUILD

Code: [Select]
optdepends=('yt-dlp: for video-sharing websites playback'
            'youtube-dl: for video-sharing websites playback')

youtube-dl is dead and should be removed. 


Re: mpv has a useless optional dependency

Reply #1
youtube-dl is dead and should be removed. 
It isn't dead. Though arguably maybe should be ?
You might be confusing youtube-dl with youtube-dlc ?
youtube-dl is maintained by ytdl-org
And the same, or very similar, functionality is in
yt-dlp maintained by yt-dlp

Maybe they fell out ?

Re: mpv has a useless optional dependency

Reply #2

Well, maybe it isn't dead but youtube-dl is not in the official artix/arch repositories. It's in the AUR.

EDIT: The term "useless" was perhaps not the most appropriate for the title of this topic, I admit.  ;)