Re: Semi random thinking out loud
Reply #8 –
Just as a followup
I'm yet again embarrassed by how little I know about how some of these things actually work , what they provide, what they do.
Reading that made me wonder what happens if I just remove elogind. Answer in my case is not a lot.
tty logins work. Lightdm complains
WARNING: Failed to get list of logind seats: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.login1 was not provided by any .service files
But then creates a seat and works. Other DM's may not be so accommodating ?
KDE/Plasma still works
Creating a 2nd Xserver with unified monitors for games still works.
So in my case I don't appear to need elogind.
I created and installed an empty package that does nothing other than provides('elogind') to stop it reappearing on upgrades.
This is just for me. I'm not saying no-one needs elogind. Or the distro doesn't need it.
But so far it appears that I don't need it, so I see no reason to keep it. There's probably no real reason to remove it either. But I'm just playing around