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Do you play games??


I am creating this topic because i wanna write my thoughts here and ask some questions

So basically i migrated myself from windows this year, last year i begged my family for laptop and i got one, i bought one to play games because i was extremely bored. Im 24 and im not a programmer cuz i have never programmed anything, i spent most of my PC life playing games.
I have been playing several games on windows 10, especially Diablo 3 that i bought few years ago when i had hp laptop. I looked up system processes and i wasn't happy what i seen. I said to myself i don't need that many processes to play this game.
That was like in January this year. I said to myself, linux is better for games than win10 because it's less bloated.
So i been distrohopping lots, started with fedora, been trying fsf endorsed distros like pureos or trisquel, been trying manjaro, mint and others... Then i realised what's thing called systemd and also trying to find non bloated distro i also want to escape from google, so i read google dns set by default in systemd was enough for me to realise its not good choice for me.
So i ended up using devuan. I managed to download wine there, steam, get bumblebee for optimus nvidia running. I have to say there's very huge choice of games in synaptic package manager. But i am so used to immersive experience, nice graphics, these games were just too old looking for me.

I spent like 6 months on devuan, tried different desktop environments as well in the meantime. I wanted to try openbox based distro, and few years ago i always wanted to install Arch Linux so i thought instead of installing openbox on devuan i will try to find something arch based with openbox. I went on here, and there was artix openbox based lxqt, so i decided yeah i have to try. I was preparing myself to install linux distro with commands for first time but then i noticed there's gui installer, and thank you for that!! What was even better was when i noticed the installation took like 3 minutes.

So because i am not developer or programmer or coder, but i just basically use computer to enjoy games, i don't wanna stop using Artix that really suits my needs just to go install wine or play steam games. I was looking for non bloated system i can install on my laptop, and it seems like i found one.
I feel very lonely though, because majority of people who play games use systemd distributions (people on for example). I am not sure why they like these distros, when they're so bloated. Few days ago i downloaded Manjaro Openbox 64 bit and 1gb memory without any app open while Artix has 300mb.
Nobody's gonna tell me bloated distros are better for games than non-bloated ones.
I don't really know why people who play games use systemd distros.

Here on Artix there isn't steam or wine in the repos, however if i knew how i would like to make wine or steam appear in Octopi. However, i believe playing windows games via wine or playing steam games is not true linux experience, because linux is free and open-source, so i think games for it should be the same. I understand that it can be nice addition to linux to be able play windows games or steam from time to time, but spending most days playing these games is wrong! (That is just my opinion)

So i use Octopi as package manager, and i noticed there are games like wesnoth or 0ad or kdegames as well.
Because i am gaming and linux enthusiast i want to create games database available or just something like a list of games available  for artix and also add more games to artix repos.
The trouble is i have no idea how. Wine and steam is one thing, but there are lots of games for linux too that are free and open source. For example i found these two that i find great: oh there is xonotic in octopi :D and also flare that is available here:
and arch AUR is there: (wtf is git??)

What i really wanna do is to add games like flare to Artix so anybody who's on here can download the game from octopi.
And i believe there are many more games like that. Flare is also being updated very often, so i believe arch linux would give this game updates as well??

I have lots of free time because i don't go to job or university, i spend most of my time on computer. So what im thinking about is that you said you look for pkgbuilders so i think i can actually in my free time try to find nice linux games and create pkgbuilds of them for artix.
But i have no idea how...
Is there a person who added 0ad or wesnoth or xonotic to Artix repos?? Also is there any possibility to see pkgbuild of Xonotic for example?? Is the arch xonotic pkgbuild different than the Artix one?? Where can i check how artix apps pkgbuilds look like?? And also do you play games on Artix? :)

Thanks for reading

edit: ok sorry steam and wine is available through pacman -Sy. My apologies im new to pacman.

Re: Do you play games??

Reply #1
I don't play games but there is steam and wine in artix: you must activate multilib repo!  Edit  /etc/pacman.conf  (you must be root) and uncomment the following lines:
Code: [Select]
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

then refresh the package list and you'll find them.

Re: Do you play games??

Reply #2
I don't play games but there is steam and wine in artix: you must activate multilib repo!  Edit  /etc/pacman.conf  (you must be root) and uncomment the following lines:
Code: [Select]
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist-arch

then refresh the package list and you'll find them.


sorry i keep writing posts that dont make any sense. im new to arch and to pacman.
thanks for not offending me
edit: oh there's wine-staging as well oh my.... thanks!!!


Re: Do you play games??

Reply #3
about creating packages, you have to learn "makepkg":

wesnoth and 0ad are in the repos of archlinux, for example wesnoth pkgbuild is this:

If your favourite game is not in archlinux repo, search it in aur. If it is not there, then you must create a PKGBUILD file to compile and to create a binary package and then you can install it.

Re: Do you play games??

Reply #4
finally :)

i played one game from steam and optirun cuz bumblebee i hjave nvidia optimus and performance is outstanding!!!!
also downloaded witcher 2 and great too!!!@@@

finally i have normal system that i can use to play lots of games!! now anything else is matter of laptop specs not the system, cuz the system is perfect :-). I am very happy how everything performs.
I have also made plenty of partitions, now im downloading everything i can from anything i can and gonna enjoy myself playing games.

Thank you artix team and i also would like to thank myself for making decision at the beginning of this year to stop using windows for playing games and use linux instead. It took me 7 months to discover artix and teach myself basics of linux to make everything i want at the moment possible. Artix is very easy to configure too!!!
And id ont have internet connection problems for some reason as well now!!!??? fking hell???
i believe some higher power touched this distribution this is why i feel so hyper now!!
I am proud of myself that i know to install something like Artix and play popular windows games on there!!! Finally!! :)

Few weeks ago i said bye bye windows 10 now i can say bye bye systemd distros, bye bye!!! as soon as artix is alive, im never gonna use you again!! and pulseaudio sound quality sucks!!

about creating packages, you have to learn "makepkg":

wesnoth and 0ad are in the repos of archlinux, for example wesnoth pkgbuild is this:

If your favourite game is not in archlinux repo, search it in aur. If it is not there, then you must create a PKGBUILD file to compile and to create a binary package and then you can install it.

does that make pkgbuild for arch or for artix???
because i am confused if so many things are available from arch why artix devs are looking for pkgbuilders??