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Topic: any nice websites to read about linux?? (Read 2237 times) previous topic - next topic
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any nice websites to read about linux??

what are the names of some websites which are nice to read about linux and open source???


Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #1
You have blocked google as an option and all search engines because they use google, then you use the forum as a proxy to a search engine.  That is not very nice of you.

If I wanted to answer this question for myself I would use (which uses google), and startpage doesn't mind.


Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #2
Not my fault that everybody goes on search engines and wikis all the time. That destroys communication between people. You force me to use search engine because i am not allowed to find out what people on this forum read and where they go :/.

I went on but the first one is endorsed by Red Hat i heard it's evil company. doesn't have full articles.

I am bored of computers anyway it's hard to believe for me that 4 years i used to play games 16 hours a day using windows, had gmail, been listening to music on youtube, googling all the time. Today i am enemy of those, deleted every account i had...  :o And i have some Artix Linux installed on my laptop and i know it's right.
edit: i didn't block every search engine because they use google but because search engines give useless results. Search engines brought me to Artix otherwise i would have been still on windows. But i decided it's time to stop. Search engines consume too much time of mine. Instead of using it because we don't know something i started to stop using computer instead and go listen to music and practise. Instead of typing in search engine Life in china i feel like i don't really care about life in china i am gonna go and read about medieval europe instead

You oppose redhat, systemd and people who drive porsches and ferraris but you're okay with going on youtube and tell others to do so too... I think it's a bit hipocryte you know, hating one corp but loving another one. Telling people to stop using systemd but in the same time go on youtube cuz it's good. Owner of google lives on carribean island because of people like yourself who can't imagine not going on youtube everyday.
And i am going back in times and decided gonna use internet like it was in 90s, no bollocks about work content corporations. Where websites were simple and non-profit, not like now. I use search engine every result is some website that bothers me about accepting some cookies and then i read articles by some journalist and they're not interesting at all. So why you force me to use search engines??

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #3
That destroys communication between people
I can't understand your logic. Why do you think using search engines destroys communication between people but books don't?
Imagine if everyone would create topics on different forums asking same questions instead of searching just a few of them. In my opinion it would be complete chaos
If you are sick of cookies - don't use browsers which support it
Finally, if you think everything affected by corporations must be avoided - forget linux, go openbsd

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #4
@fungalnet .. I think it's a bit hipocryte you know, hating one corp but loving another one

Like the song says, ".... I use the enemy ..."  but who says I love any of them?
You are probably on installation #3467 since last week, but you must use a browser for something, I bet it is not chrome.  If it is some sort of mozilla go to the address bar ant type   about:serviceworkers
Do you see any?  Remove them.
Now turn them off  so they don't come back, without asking for help.  You have to find out on your own.

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #5
I think it's crazy that everybody goes on the same websites everyday, does the same things. It is total control not freedom.

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #6
Before I quote your post, I have to ask this: Are you 12? Seriously.

Not my fault that everybody goes on search engines and wikis all the time. That destroys communication between people. You force me to use search engine because i am not allowed to find out what people on this forum read and where they go :/.
What are you blabbering about? I don't understand anything you posted here.
I went on but the first one is endorsed by Red Hat i heard it's evil company. doesn't have full articles.
Red Hat is one of (if not) the biggest contributor(s) of Linux (the kernel) and the GNU ecosystem itself (including but not limited to: GCC, GDB, glibc, etc).
You think Red Hat is the manifestation of devil himself replacing Steve "Open-source is cancer" Ballmer, then you have no choice but to abandon Linux.
I am bored of computers anyway it's hard to believe for me that 4 years i used to play games 16 hours a day using windows, had gmail, been listening to music on youtube, googling all the time. Today i am enemy of those, deleted every account i had...  :o And i have some Artix Linux installed on my laptop and i know it's right.
edit: i didn't block every search engine because they use google but because search engines give useless results. Search engines brought me to Artix otherwise i would have been still on windows. But i decided it's time to stop. Search engines consume too much time of mine. Instead of using it because we don't know something i started to stop using computer instead and go listen to music and practise. Instead of typing in search engine Life in china i feel like i don't really care about life in china i am gonna go and read about medieval europe instead
What? How is your rambling here relevant to the topic (or even @fungalnet's reply? You really need to articulate your point better. No one wants to hear "oh my god I stopped using computers and listen to music blah blah". Christ.

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #7
Search engines are evil creation at this point. People on internet who send me youtube links and search engines are like those who think that i am gonna listen to music from spotify, amazon prime or youtube or some damn smartphone iphone too while i have lots of records, lots of cd's and proper devices for it.
If you search for something look how useless the results are.
It destroys communication because there isn't any 'information' or knowledge provided in forums anymore. People don't talk with each other now. Instead of writing about something, people tell you to google or duckduckgo, or send you guide to youtube video and wiki. I go on arch forums or other linux forums guy asks a question and somebody is toxic and rude: Oooohhh!!!! how can you not use search engines!!!! do you think we wanna read about the same problem all the time????? Go and use search engine istead of asking for it you moron!!!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! SEARCH ENGINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ON IT NOW!!!
Going on youtube or time spent for searching something is very time consuming. I end up using search engines all the time and read about bollocks that makes me feel depressed eg. climate change, billionairies, celebrities or for example i search for something, read about it and after 15 minutes i realise that i haven't read anything useful because 'content' was useless and it's just lots of bollocks that makes me feel frustrated. 98% of it is to make you read the article to watch advertisements i read the article and it didn't teach me anything. I have got that experience with most of stuff provided to me by search engines.
All of stuff that makes me feel that i am nothing and noone because i am not one of them also i oppose going on websites that are controlled by multibillionairies. I understand if they were owned by everybody, but it looks like that way, but all these search engines and youtubes are owned by very few people, advertisements that are on those websites gives by search engines and etc. are ads provided by those few people too. Internet should be free, i don't wanna go on websites and get forced to see some advertisements provided by amazon or google just to read something useless and they also generate so much cash and everybody who goes there contributes to it. And also if everybody goes on the same websites all the time owned by few people, their brains are controlled by what the see on it. Information on demand like with music on streaming services and youtube nowadays it's one you demand not one that you own and paid for it and don't need internet as well to listen to it, it's not good. I go on internet and i read people who say: we don't need schools and teachers because we can find it on youtube.

Language of people who write on internet nowadays is very poor too. Almost nobody reads real writers nowadays, people read other people who are like them youtubers redditers and gamers. Because of smartphones we are losing ability of something very important which is an ability to write. That was huge discovery thousands years ago ability to write now dies, same with languages because internet teach us to do the same stuff, use the same words, and search engine or youtube.
 I decided i don't wanna read all those guides and watch youtube videos i'd rather go read a book written by real writer who wrote it before all this social media existed or even from XIX century writers or older instead reading what people wrote on websites like reddit or other crap.
Search engines remind me of those people on manjaro forums who are like: Oh yeah let's use a search engine yeah look how great we are because we use it and manjaro is amazing i installed it on my family laptops oh yeah look i recorded a movie about it and put it on youtube watch it...  :'(  i blablabla about it for 15 minutes now guys please subscribe for new content thank you guys
I am sick and tired of using search engines because iv done it all the time for few years now. Nothing is interesting on internet anymore, internet sucks so so do search engines. I can't find any valuable stuff to read anymore even if i use search engines.
All websites aren't non-profit and that's ok but i go on them and i just waste my time.

edit: And i know what i should use, stop discouraging me to stop using something i love because i say ohhh i don't use search engines. And that is very important that instead of using search engines i go listen to music because music is much better for you than internet. I don't use search engines = i don't read stuff that i don't want to read.
Also we should know that we have got one life and we're closer to death every second and if everybody decides to spend that one existence for watching youtube videos or using search engine for 1 billion time, it's like opening a fridge, you do it everyday then i feel sorry for you.

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #9
nylxs has a ton of sources -- look in the docs directory

Re: any nice websites to read about linux??

Reply #12
there is a sister site to that kernel newbie mailing list and site, that is the Kernel Hacking Challenge, which is a game that walks you through Kernel development designed for beginners,