Re: How do I go about installing tkpacman or pamac?
Reply #5 –
Both exist in 2 variations on main repositories, if you still want the aur-versions you can install them using there:
I have been using yaourtix since it first came out and haven't had a problem.
If you have gremlins enabled try:
# pacman -S yaourtix-git
galaxy-gremlins/yaourtix-git 1.9.r3.gfe1bcdd-6
Yaourt (= a pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support) patched with user definable repo-support
for building from source, and other customizepkg-enhancements. Artix support included.
galaxy/yaourt 1.9-2
A pacman wrapper with extended features and AUR support
galaxy/pamac 7.3.4-1
A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm
galaxy/pamac-classic 6.7.0-1
A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm
There is an interesting discussion going on in reddit r/archlinux about AUR wrappers for those deeply into it.