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Topic: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO (Read 2206 times) previous topic - next topic
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LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

I've a problem with the last ISO: I'm no longer able to encrypt the root partition and to have a start and running system. Probably there is something wrong in fstab/mtab, I've no idea, but the fact is that, after the installation, completed without errors, the system don't start. I tried also the Mate ISO and all the last available versions, but the problem is present in all the ISO.
I use always LUKS and this make me impossible to activate new Artix installation.

I tried also to change file system (ext4, btrfs, xfs), without success: the error is always the same.

Forgive me if I haven't investigate it, but I'm yet in a hard period that don't permit me to invest time in what I like to do.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #1
I am by no means an expert but I had a similar problem installing Artix Runit (which I love btw!) on my laptop.  After being unable to install with LUKS on my drive.  I used cfdisk to format my HDD to all free space since I had a previous OS on prior & retried with success using LUKS on ext4.  Just my two cents. 


Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #2
All silent. Nobody is installing Artix with disk encryption? It don't work, also with  scratch HD.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #3
I have full disk encryption and Artix on this computer. If the Calamares/graphical installer (which is what I'm assuming what you're using) doesn't work, you should be able to do full disk encryption from the cli/base. Truthfully, I have no idea what calamares does (I prefer to install with the base/cli ISO), but in principle you should be able to check all of the configurations before rebooting to make sure everything is set up right.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #4
I've too full disk encryption on 2 Laptops, that I use, plus others, with the same configuration for about 10 computers (KDE or LXQT as interface). Now I need to install new PCs and the strange fact is that the old Calamares, you are right I use Calamares, always installed correctly the LUKS partition (I did with btrfs, xfs, ext4 without any problems). Only the last ISO versions, normal and gremlins, have this "problem" and I'd hope in a correction of the error.
I can also invest time and to start an installation from the scratch, but is not more simple, also for new Artix users, to have a LUKS encryption working correctly, as always was in the past? A lot less time consuming and nice :-)

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #5
All silent. Nobody is installing Artix with disk encryption? It don't work, also with  scratch HD.

I use Artix from its beginning on LUKS partitions. I did it using CLI post-install if I remember correctly.

Try to follow this ie: Full disk encryption with LUKS (including /boot) · Pavel Kogan

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #6
I use LUKS, with an encrypted root, and /boot left outside. I did it using the relevant article in the Arch wiki. I suggest doing that. If you need a gui for everything, and also do not wish to spend time on the distro, then Arch/Artix probably is not for you (and I don't mean this in a bad way - people have different priorities, and that is okay - what is not okay is expecting a distro to bend its priorities to their's). I would suggest Manjaro of you want to stick to the Arch ecosystem, or Devuan if you really do not want systemd.

Of course, this is not saying that the problem in the installer shouldn't be fixed. It should. But I'm talking philosophy, in that more such problems may crop up in the future, and they will all be low-priority, because it can easily be solved via the command-line.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #7
Phiskets, forgive me, but I haven't understood if your role is "Global Moderator" or "Global Provocateur".

I simply reported an error, like I did in the past, and I wrote that: "I'd hope in a correction of the error"; not that "I pretend a correction of the error for yesterday".
I didn't write that, without Calamares, I was desperate and I didn't know what to do.
I wrote that "I'd hope in a correction of the error", because a working Calamares make more easy "also for new Artix users, to have a LUKS encryption working correctly".

Really, forgive me, but I don't understand your panegyric about Arch/Artix and systemd. Which is the meaning? Which is your goal? What do you want to achieve? From a philosophical point of view you posted a "not answer". Why?

In my humble opinion a Moderator, must give answers; when he knows the answers.
In my opinion a Moderator must try to solve the questions, moving the discussion in a positive direction, with the goal to create a positive scenario and, why not, to find more Artix users.

Best regards.

PS: I know Manjaro, Devuan too, Mepis/MXLinux, I used Ubuntu for a while, Fedora for some months, battled with Gentoo and Funtoo  (a very funny experience) and I started to use Linux a lot of time ago, with an old Slackware distribution that I ordered and I received, via FedEX, with a bunch of 3.5" Floppy Disks. There was a Torvalds advertising on the old "C User's Journal", internet was a young idea and I was a lot younger too...

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #8
Yes, you right, Artix should be existing for the users after all.  :D
In any case, LUKS encryption should be working out of the box, at least for root partition.
It is more important than having a default desktop IMHO.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #9
I think the issue is that calamares is putting boot/efi on the same partition as / which is on the encrypted luks lvm and is missing the last screen to choose where to install grub.

I can confirm this issue isn't in the lxqt iso just the mate iso.  The lxqt iso also picks up other OS's properly to dual boot but the mate iso doesn't seem to.
OS: Artix x86_64
Host: Predator PH517-61 V1.07
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.2GHz [112.4°F]
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX Vega 56/64
Memory: 1129MiB / 64390MiB

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #10
@francesco Yes, you are right I think I took the question in the wrong spirit, and the tone of my reply was unwarranted.

But I do stand by what I said about the general philosophy.

Re: LUKS encryption don't work with new ISO

Reply #11
I can confirm this issue isn't in the lxqt iso just the mate iso. 

For the installer, I really think we should stick with LXQT, and just give choice of the installed  desktop environement: LxQT, XFCE, Maté, Plasma.