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Topic: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us?? (Read 3856 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #1
Maybe i didn't read attentively enough, but i didn't find if these articles contain any info about EMF frequencies used in researches. Without that such conclusions may be wrong
Even if EMF really affects humans health, human can adapt to it

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #2
Note:  Sprouts grow toward the light source, nothing is effecting them.

Just encase this turns to 5G the  invisible killer:

5G covers 600-700 MHz bands and the 50 GHz millimeter-wave end of the spectrum.  850 MHz was the first cellular band in the US.

The FCC cellular assignments in the US utilize the following frequency bands:

   600 MHz (5G Re-Packed TV Channels)
   700 MHz (5G Former Analog TV Channels)
   850 MHz (4G Cellular Channels)

FCC Frees Up More Money for TV Station Re-pack
In 1996, within the US, they saw the final push to Digital Television (Cable) so that more than 1,500 cities in 37 states and Puerto Rico could "re-pack" into 5G Cellular using the currently allocated TV frequencies.  That's twenty three years (23) it took to complete the, "Transition Scheduling Plan and the Commission’s rules, procedures, and systems are operating as designed and anticipated." ~ said, the Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau

"According to National Association of Broadcasters the FCC was authorized to repack the television band by assigning television stations to new channels."

Why use 600-700 MHz?
These signals penetrate buildings and walls easily and to cover larger geographic areas with less infrastructure (relative to frequencies in higher bands).

600-700 MHz, Television bands, OK?

600-700 MHz, 5G bands, "invisible killers"?

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #3
No this scare over 5g is retarded. People have been bombarded with radio waves for over a century and microwaves (where wifi/4g/etc signals reside) for many decades. Electormagnetic waves in that frequency are nowhere close to causing ionizing radiation. In fact, visible light has more energy so go hide in a closet or something. Here's a handy chart. Note that the energy levels are the highest at the top (gamma rays) and decrease as you go down.

P.S. The Salon is trash and I look forward to the day they go bankrupt.


Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #4
Electormagnetic waves in that frequency are nowhere close to causing ionizing radiation. In fact, visible light has more energy so go hide in a closet or something.

That is true, however, 5G produces non ionizing radiation, and human have never been before exposed to such microwaves.
The US military runs so called ADS systems, active denial system, a 5G weapon system.
Even the useless WHO have by now updated their list of carcinogens, it incudes 5G non ionizing radiation.
It has bad effects on nature, wildlife, insects, and humans.

A common misconception is, that 5G would be the successor to 4G. This is absolutely false, 5G is a different technology, a millimeter wave weapon that is. Whit all the Huawei booha, its a welcome distraction from actually discussing this 5G weapon, no matter if it is Chinese or US weapon.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #5
Let me suggest that you have never seen plant life die off around Cell Towers;  I've been using 5G since 2015,  my 5G antenna is line-of-site with the Tower less than one mile away; no where between my location, and the woods that separate me from the cell tower has plant life been effected.

5G (700 MHz)  is the Analog TV Channels you used for 60+ years.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #6
A cell tower has a fairly high magnetic field. Of course it's not safe to stand around one for a long period of time. That's totally different though.

The 5G crap I don't believe is worse than any other run of the mill electromagnetic wave. At least not until someone can actually explain a mechanism behind why I should be so scared of it.

That is true, however, 5G produces non ionizing radiation, and human have never been before exposed to such microwaves.

Sure we have. Wifi.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #7
Here is some interesting reading regarding 5G impacting weather prediction.

There have been a number of media stories this week about a major threat to weather prediction:  the sale of electromagnetic spectrum for new 5G cellphone service.   The problem is that some of the wavelengths being auctioned off for 5G are critical for an important class of weather satellites, with 5G signals potentially undermining our ability to forecast the weather.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #8

Bad enough, but nothing compared to pulsing energy like 5G does.
Note, 5G is not the technical successor to 3 & 4G. It share the G in the name, but that's all.

5G is millimeter waves, its why they have to pop up every few meters towers and why they can't use the old infrastructure. A "smart meter" in your house is exponentially more harmful that a wifi router that doesn't do 5G. 5G pulses several times a second highly energetic data packets, no comparison to 4G. and thats just the health aspects, surveillance, indeed behavior alteration and actually 'kill target' is another topic with 5G not many want to discuss.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #9

Heh, I didn't know the frequencies were so close to each other. Stupid FCC.

Bad enough, but nothing compared to pulsing energy like 5G does.
Note, 5G is not the technical successor to 3 & 4G. It share the G in the name, but that's all.

5G is millimeter waves, its why they have to pop up every few meters towers and why they can't use the old infrastructure. A "smart meter" in your house is exponentially more harmful that a wifi router that doesn't do 5G. 5G pulses several times a second highly energetic data packets, no comparison to 4G. and thats just the health aspects, surveillance, indeed behavior alteration and actually 'kill target' is another topic with 5G not many want to discuss.

I'm not claiming 5G is a technical successor or anything. A millimeter wave will penetrate less than longer wavelengths anyway, so if there is any internal harm it should be less than whatever it was before. I don't believe a pulsed wave vs a continuous wave is relevant. Nor is it accurate to describe them as "highly energetic." Your lighbulb is more energetic.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #10
No this scare over 5g is retarded. People have been bombarded with radio waves for over a century and microwaves (where wifi/4g/etc signals reside) for many decades. Electormagnetic waves in that frequency are nowhere close to causing ionizing radiation. In fact, visible light has more energy so go hide in a closet or something. Here's a handy chart. Note that the energy levels are the highest at the top (gamma rays) and decrease as you go down.
Although i generally agree with you, low-power radiation with frequencies below UV can possibly be dangerous if gets resonant with some of molecules in human body. So, for me this question lowers to if there are sorts of molecules which have resonant frequencies on wifi frequencies (unless there is some else mysterious mechanism of EMF influence on matter)

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #13
Although i generally agree with you, low-power radiation with frequencies below UV can possibly be dangerous if gets resonant with some of molecules in human body. So, for me this question lowers to if there are sorts of molecules which have resonant frequencies on wifi frequencies (unless there is some else mysterious mechanism of EMF influence on matter)

Well yes this is basically what would happen if you were inside a big microwave oven. Obviously, that would be really bad and unpleasant since you would experience dielectric heating. Your body has tons of water, water molecules are dipoles, so in an electric field they will rotate/vibrate which creates heat. Wifi, cell phones, etc. technically do the same thing (electric field + you having water), just at a much smaller scale.

Re: wi-fi = radiomagnetic waves that kill us??

Reply #14
For some time i have lived on my own in a flat, however i was wondering why do i look so shit if i dont smoke?? Whats wrong, i have good diet??

So i read on internet about wifi electromagnetic waves and on the laptop it discovered about 8 routers of neighbours each one generating electromagnetic waves so i felt like this is killing me so i escaped from it and i am worried that being in city or whatever where wifi routers are like everywhere is really bad for us too...
The worst thing is going to sleep with smartphone connected to wifi just by us... Glad i dont have smartphoone