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Topic: Thunar and two File Systems (Read 3047 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #16
But I have found a relevant thread, please check it.

It may be a bug, as mentioned there.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #17
A side note for all...

While switching file managers is easy, and I've thought about it...the old engineer in me balks a tad at taking the easier way out....Instead, I'd like to find a concrete answer to the issue - and then document the fix for others that will have this issue.

It's not unique to me. My clients have it, my wife has it, etc. It's for sure an Xfce/Thunar issue that has been around for the last two releases of Xfce that I personally know of.

And on the one client of mine that runs FreeBSD and Xfce...It's the same issue.....

Is my irritation enough to switch file managers? Probably....And then I'll move the custom actions into bash batch files for my personal convenience. But that doesn't give us a solid answer to this long-standing Thunar issue that's been around for a while...

It's certainly not a's just a personal irritant for myself and my clients. We frequently hit the wrong "File System" entry when the occasion comes where we need to go outside of the various home directories.


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #18
Yep, I know what you mean (my self is an engineer too, not only an IT), but if there no solution to the above link, then it will probably be fixed on next releases.

btw, give a read to the link above.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #19

That was an interesting thread. I have a tmpfs mount in my fstab. As in:

tmpfs         /tmp      tmpfs      defaults,noatime,mode=1777       0       0

When I launch Thunar as root (or sudo) - I have no such issue....And it shows a "tmp" entry in the dir "tree" that as a user does not show up......

I wonder if this is it...



Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #20
Well, according to your lsblk output, you have all your hard disk partitions mounted somewhere, but you also has two CD/DVD-ROMs, which are sr0 and sr1. Perhaps those two filesystems shown in Thunar are somehow related to the DVD-ROMs. What's your /etc/fstab and how are those /dev/sr0 and /dev/sr1 reflected in this file? There should be something like

Code: [Select]
 /dev/sr0 /media/dvd0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #21
Well, my thoughts are leading to the case of f2fs usage, ever since is still under development.

Are you facing such issues with Thunar on machines w/o f2fs too?

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #22
Also, check this faq

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #23

Well I edited my fstab and remmed out the tempfs entry and rebooted. Issue remains. I do a lot of custom coding for clients, and I use the /tmp for my compiler so I don't beat the hell out of my systems PCIE-SSD.

So the /tmp entry wasn't the issue.


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #24

The behavior remains regardless if it's ext4, xfs, or f2fs. I've got several client systems installed with the more mainstream fs of ext4. Issue remains.


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #25

Well - Under normal circumstances you shouldn't need an fstab entry for optical media....But as we are all wracking our brains on this one, I added two entries as you suggested to my fstab, and rebooted.

Issue remains.....


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #26
Please follow the section "How to hide fixed disks or user locations from the sidebar" of the above faq.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #27
I just checked in the dconf editor.....and I sure don't see anything that jumps out at me.....


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #28
I just checked in the dconf editor.....and I sure don't see anything that jumps out at me.....


Well, on faq, there are sections not relevant exactly with dconf editor. So, for once more, please them read all.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #29

Sorry I'm not keeping up very well with all the posts coming my way, for which I am very appreciative....

Interesting tidbit...If I switch the side pane view to shortcuts, the rogue entry is not there. And then if I switch it back to tree view, it reappears. This is telling me it is a Thunar bug.

