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Topic: Thunar and two File Systems (Read 3046 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #30
There are no thoughts on that, if you have not tried to apply what ever may apply in this case.

If any old bookmark is there as a leftover, it can create the issue.

Please check all of the above thoroughly, before answering, cause otherwise it can be considered as spamming

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #31

I did the hide stuff with the fstab file. And I did a hard reboot instead of a "mount -a".

Here is a copy...


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #32
fstab file take II
Code: [Select]
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=8368fe86-1012-4d44-8efd-89527a494f94 /              f2fs    defaults,noatime 0 1
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777,x-gvfs-hide 0 0

# Daves Mounts
UUID=affaeb88-aeb9-41ad-ba85-a6a7503a0b9a    /AdditionalDrives/Backup-1 xfs    defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide   0   2
UUID=f36a2fb2-b4fb-4876-a3d1-d85f02a867a8    /AdditionalDrives/Backup-2    xfs    defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide    0   2
UUID=217bf509-bc3a-42f1-a0dd-75e6b6fd1ca7    /AdditionalDrives/Backup-3    xfs    defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide    0   2
UUID=4db7a6a5-4794-4485-be69-7aefc58ceff8    /AdditionalDrives/Storage-1Tb   f2fs defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide    0   2
UUID=8e445f3b-6e89-44dd-8dc6-5d1e4ed8aa0f    /AdditionalDrives/VirtualMachines f2fs defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide    0   2
UUID=7120a867-5fe8-4e1b-b324-1af2d1ec5148    /AdditionalDrives/Storage-512G     f2fs defaults,noatime,x-gvfs-hide    0   2

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #33
For the record - my selection of f2fs was done deliberately. F2fs is sensitive to power outages still, but the extended long fsck has been fixed. I also have a UPS in front of my system that is 4x the VA that my system draws. In power outages we have had here in my area - my UPS gives me almost one full hour before I need to shutdown. I used an Arch wiki to setup the UPS so that my system powers off on it's own if I am not home and the line power fails. So my data is protected, and I have a tertiary backup/mirror/hybrid.

Also, on other systems, the Thunar issue remains regardless of the distro (except Manjaro), and regardless if the FS is f2fs, xfs, or ext4.

And yes - I know, it's a difficult issue, and my web searches haven't turned up much at all on the issue - thus why I started this thread.

I am using up a lot of talented peoples time on this. Perhaps we should just write it off as a Thunar issue....and move on...

It does not show up if Thunar's side bar is in the shortcut mode, but does if it is in the tree mode....This tells me that it's Thunar's problem.....



Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #34
I don't have such issues, too. I do like XFCE, but I dislike Thunar, it's ugly and inconvenient for my taste.
Same for me  :(

Luckily, it's easy to use XFCE with any other FM you like.
For my needs I have been using Dolphin on XFCE for years:

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #35

Also, on other systems, the Thunar issue remains regardless of the distro (except Manjaro), and regardless if the FS is f2fs, xfs, or ext4.

Manjaro is another distribution, not related to us.

I am using up a lot of talented peoples time on this. Perhaps we should just write it off as a Thunar issue....and move on...

It does not show up if Thunar's side bar is in the shortcut mode, but does if it is in the tree mode....This tells me that it's Thunar's problem.....

We cannot "write it off" , because if is is considered as a bug, report it to it's developers (we do not develop it, we use upstream) instead.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #36
@linuxer, and all who have responded....

I sincerely thank all of you for attempting to assist solving this.

I have posted to the XFCE support forums, and will report back to this thread when (if) we get a solution directly from the Xfce folks....

I'll also report back if the Xfce folks shrug their shoulders, or confirm it is a bug....


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #37
Well everyone, we have some answers.

The Xfce moderator linked me to a post of other users experiencing the same thing, unique to those of us with NVMe drives - even when Thunar is properly navigating those very same NVMe drives.

The other user has one NVMe drive, I have three.

When I read the other bug post in the Xfce forums, it also occurs on some systems under specific circumstances if they have a UEFI partition.

One of the other users has formally reported it as a bug....and it has been filed....So there is nothing we can do to fix it, except recommend a different file manager, or a different desktop if the situation calls for it.

I'm not totally happy with xfce since 4.16. I may move back to Mate. I am in my 60's, and I like the traditional desktop paradigm, as does my wife, as do my clients that I port over from W10.

I've used Openbox before with success....but it's not good for clients who are not used to Linux - nor are used to tweaking things.....Mate may be the next best option as it's super easy for me to teach new users with. I have a VA nurse as a client that I know personally who is using Mate. I'm an old US Marine from the Vietnam Era, and I met her when I was volunteering at the local VA hospital. I ported her from W10, and she is happy as can be with it as it is the traditional desktop paradigm, that Gnome 3 unfortunately flushed down the toilet.....That was two years ago and she's still happy.



Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #39
I gave the Mate desktop an audition......

I am surprised. They've really improved a lot since the last time I looked at it.

So I think I will stick with it, and Caja has no such issues as Thunar..... I did loose my custom actions I'd written for Thunar, but moved them into bash scripts.....

Thank you all for your help.

How do I label the first post? [SOLVED] or [BUG], or just leave it?


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #40
Not our big,  closr  this topic.