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Topic: Thunar and two File Systems (Read 3045 times) previous topic - next topic
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Thunar and two File Systems

Good Afternoon All,

Thunar, when the side pane is set to "tree" shows two "File Systems". One is the real file system, and the other is empty.

I found one wiki that stated to install gvfs - which was already installed. It's irritating me. How do I get rid of the second, and empty "File System"?



Edit: I do have the network.mount in the gvfs entry set to false to eliminate the initial startup delay. Whether it's true or false has no impact on this issue.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #1
Hi, can you upload some screenshots to understand the case better?

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #2
Sure thing!

Here you go..


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #3
And to further clarify....

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #5
First of all, THANK you for the reply.

And to answer: No. My system is pure linux. I had the same issue when I was running pure Arch before I got tired of systemd's shenanigans and instablity.

My wife is running MX-Linux w/Xfce under ext4....Same issue on her system. Arch using systemd had the same issue. This is not a new issue - I just got off of my rear end to do something about it. Was also the case under xfce 4.14, and the versions previous to it as well. So it's not new..

The Mate desktop and their file manager Caja - does not have this issue, nor does PCmanFM. Same goes for the XFE file manager. It's something unique to Xfce and Thunar.

FS's on my system: xfs for the tertiary backup. f2fs for the root and some other storage drives.

Manjaro - doesnt have this issue (I have client running this distro) - so they are doing <something> in the config to eliminate it - but in a VM, I sure can't find what tweak they've made to it.

It is most certainly not an Artix issue. It's an Xfce/Thunar issue - somewhere....I'm sure it's in some obscure config...... or dot file.

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.


Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #6
What's your
Code: [Select]
lsblk -bf

The Mate desktop and their file manager Caja - does not have this issue, nor does PCmanFM. Same goes for the XFE file manager. It's something unique to Xfce and Thunar.
New version of XFCE has several issues, yeah. I too had to spend some time configuring it, although I use only elements of XFCE desktop in conjunction with OpenBox and PCmanFM.

If PCmanFM works fine for you and doesn't have this bug, you can use it as a preferred file manager in XFCE instead of Thunar (I find PCmanFM more convenient and eye-candy than Thunar btw). Just set this through the Applications section in XFCE Settings manager.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #7
However, I use XFCE and Thunar w/o any such issues.

Also, is gvfs installed?

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #8
However, I use XFCE and Thunar w/o any such issues.
I don't have such issues, too. I do like XFCE, but I dislike Thunar, it's ugly and inconvenient for my taste. Luckily, it's easy to use XFCE with any other FM you like. But in XFCE 4.16, they moved open/close and ok/cancel buttons in dialog windows to the top, and I couldn't manage to somehow move them back to the bottom. This irritates me a lot, so I went back to using OpenBox with xfce4-panel (plus some other stuff from XFCE, LXDE and Mate).

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #9
I don't have such issues, too. I do like XFCE, but I dislike Thunar, it's ugly and inconvenient for my taste. Luckily, it's easy to use XFCE with any other FM you like. But in XFCE 4.16, they moved open/close and ok/cancel buttons in dialog windows to the top, and I couldn't manage to somehow move them back to the bottom. This irritates me a lot, so I went back to using OpenBox with xfce4-panel (plus some other stuff from XFCE, LXDE and Mate).

You need to install the libxfce4ui-nocsd and change the XFCE  settings, to have the old look of ok/cancel buttons in dialog windows, back

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #10

Yes. GVFS is installed.

Re: Thunar and two File Systems

Reply #12
To all who are responding - THANK YOU.

And remember - this is not a new issue. This has been in Xfce for the last two versions that I can recall.

And while PCManFM is a good file manager.....I have several custom actions I have written in Thunar - which are not available in PCManFM. I'd hate to loose those by making the PCManFM "permanent".

As I too - dislike the buttons at the top instead of at the bottom of Thunar dialogs. I'll try the change suggested here in this thread....
