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Topic: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND (Read 856 times) previous topic - next topic
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wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND


My first post here.

I was trying to run the 'wish' command after a fresh install of Artix OpenRC MATE, but get this error message at the terminal:

  application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name "BACKGROUND"

Some research seems to blame individual distros for not setting things correctly in /etc/X11/Xresources.  There doesn't seem to be a file at that location on this install.

Is there somewhere I should file a bug report?

Thanks!  :)

Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #1
If you can troubleshoot it and provide a working solution, we'll gladly incorporate it in our ISO profiles. Apologies, but I'm very short on time these past months...

Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #2
I can run wish without problems. Update all of your packages after a fresh install with
Code: [Select]
$ su
# pacman -Syyu
then test if it works.

BTW, I don't have /etc/X11/Xresources, and I haven't deleted it. I think Artix doesn't have one by default.


Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #3
I can run wish without problems. Update all of your packages after a fresh install with
Code: [Select]
$ su
# pacman -Syyu
then test if it works.

BTW, I don't have /etc/X11/Xresources, and I haven't deleted it. I think Artix doesn't have one by default.

Thanks strajder.  I did do a full update after I did the clean install yesterday.  No change.

Quote from: nous
If you can troubleshoot it and provide a working solution, we'll gladly incorporate it in our ISO profiles. Apologies, but I'm very short on time these past months...

Thanks nous.  I think I saw something during my searches last night where if you issued
Code: [Select]
xrdb /dev/null
it would make things better.

I've since moved to another systemd-free distro because of many issues with Artix, but I really appreciate your replies!  :D  I use Linux for work, so I needed a working bug-free system before business hours today.


Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #4
I've since moved to another systemd-free distro because of many issues with Artix,

I have had much less issues with Artix than with other distros and settled on Artix ever since I came across it. Devuan for example, being based on Debian, had outdated ("stable") packages, in stark contrast with Artix, which, although it might sound better, in reality is worse.

Using GNU/Linux in general requires first and foremost, reading the documentation, experience and patience. Not everything can be solved by distrohopping. But I guess that some things we need to experience firsthand. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #5
@willbprog199, I tried wish and work correctly; I'm not mate but KDE.

Is very strange, this is my personal experience, that you find many issue with Artix. I'm using it for work too, practically till the born of the distribution, and I got really very few problem and some of them generated from myself...  :D

About wish I'll investigate. I never used it, usually I work with yad and zenity, but I'll study it. By the way, I don't have nothing in the /etc/X11/Xresources, but wish work correctly and probably the "question" is in another place.


Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #6
@francesco : use obsolete no more developed MATE (= Gnome2) with obsolete no more developed GTK2 toolkit, and you will also find many bugs too :D 
nobody care about GTK2 today, guys, GTK 2 has reached its end of life:  ... same as python2

Re: wish: application-specific initialization failed: unknown color name BACKGROUND

Reply #7
@francesco : use obsolete no more developed MATE (= Gnome2) with obsolete no more developed GTK2 toolkit, and you will also find many bugs too :D 
nobody care about GTK2 today, guys, GTK 2 has reached its end of life:  ... same as python2
I don't think this is specific to MATE, but without further investigation we can't be sure. OP's problem definitely is not tied to not setting things correctly in /etc/X11/Xresources, because I have a working wish from the package world/tk, and I don't have that file. I do have my personal ~/.Xresources, but I still don't think it might be relevant. Here it is:

Code: [Select]
Sxiv.foreground: rgb:77/aa/77
Sxiv.background: rgb:00/00/00
Sxiv.font: xos4 Terminus:style=Bold:size=10

Xcursor.theme: Breeze-Adapta-Cursor

About MATE, from what I could find about its history it was created in response to the negative reception of GNOME 3 UI, so it is "reactionary" by its very nature. By the way, its Wikipedia page states that it supports GTK 3?

Anyway, many users put the blame on s6, OpenRC or runit, or a specific DE, when more often than not the issue is either due to misconfiguration or package-specific.