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Topic: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update (Read 4409 times) previous topic - next topic
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[INFO]Kernel Panic after update

I've addressed the problem...not fun. I'm posting as this info may be of some use for others.

I did a pacman update today. This included an update to the kernel (4.12.10-1 -> 4.12.12-1). I rebooted and right after grub loading I was presented with this on my screen. System had failed to start due to a kernel panic saying it couldn't find the init system.

Steps to Resolve
Google search of the error message brought me to Arch Linux forum pages. This Link and this one both make mention of moving /usr/lib64 out, regenerating init images and then grub-mkconfig. These steps didn't work for me.

I then went looking for the latest reports of problems and found this item in the Arch forums. I checked and indeed I did have the latest glibc (ver 2.26-3) installed. I downgraded glibc to 2.25-7(after removing valgrind dependency), fixed up the steps I did previously(move lib64 link), re-installed filesystem mkinitcpio linux, and then mkinitcpio/grub-mkconfig. All is working again.

I'm getting the suggestion that a bug should be filed in Arch against glibc, but I doubt that would be useful. The minute I tell them I'm using openrc/artix I'll get shut down and/or ignored. But as the OP of the latest post noted, there's a problem in the 2.26-3 patch of glibc that brought my system to a screeching halt on reboot.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #1
A bug report has been filed by the same person who is the OP of the forum post which lead to solution for me. This person notes the problem started with the update of glibc from version 2.26-1 to 2.26.2.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #2
Thanks for the report, the suspicious glibc is in [system-testing] right now. Are you booting the arch latest linux kernel or our LTS?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #3
I'm using the latest kernel 4.12.12-1.
I want to believe the observations from Lasse100 (OP of bug and forum post). They were most observant of when things went south. The suggestion to downgrading glibc to 2.25-7 (below his observed point of failure at 2.26-2) did work for me. So there seems to be some truth to this.

Why it happened...that sounds like a release management problem - another form of dependency hell

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #4
I am using 4.12 too, from Artix-testing, and it lists as  Kernel: 4.12.10-2-zen and there is no newer update.
So, where did you get your 4.12.12-1 from?  Is it linux-ck  4.12.12-1 in AUR?

In most cases where I got a confused and panicked kernel in an Arch related installation, it was an incorrectly created grub command.  Either grub written by another system or a uuid mixup, or some incorrect syntax of the grub menuentry.

Are you on a multisystem boot environment?  Is it possible your kernel was updated and the grub is handled by another system and the entry doesn't match the initramfs?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #5
Just for your info glibc has just been updated to 2.26-4 in the system-testing repo.
No idea if this fixes things as I did not have a problem.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #6
I am using 4.12 too, from Artix-testing, and it lists as  Kernel: 4.12.10-2-zen and there is no newer update.
So, where did you get your 4.12.12-1 from?  Is it linux-ck  4.12.12-1 in AUR?

In most cases where I got a confused and panicked kernel in an Arch related installation, it was an incorrectly created grub command.  Either grub written by another system or a uuid mixup, or some incorrect syntax of the grub menuentry.

Are you on a multisystem boot environment?  Is it possible your kernel was updated and the grub is handled by another system and the entry doesn't match the initramfs?
This was an Arch system converted to Artix. Kernel comes from Arch core. grub and mkinitcpio commands were standard. No, this is not a multiboot environment. You're reading too much into this. Please see this link as I posted earlier.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #7
Just for your info glibc has just been updated to 2.26-4 in the system-testing repo.
No idea if this fixes things as I did not have a problem.
I'm a little confused by the mess in how this happened.
Was glibc updated but not libraries that called it (things like mkinitcpio or similar boot generating software)?
Was there an condition in glibc that boot generating software tripped over/triggered?

shoulder shrug

Thanks for the heads up. I'm still using system (no testing). I keep an eye on things when this propagates down.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #8
Is the conversion from Arch the same as Arch-OpenRC?  If you have an arch or arch based systemd system, can you convert to Artix as easily following the applicable procedure moves?

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #9
As @robin0800  noted above, 2.26-4 hit the repos recently.
A look at the git log for glibc shows the latest change from two days ago as:
Code: [Select]
2.26-4: backport patch restoring x86_64 to RPATH search paths
The description in the code commentary makes sense.

Lasse100 (OP on arch thread and bug reporter) has updated to this version and reports things as working. He has marked his thread post as [solved]. I want to believe 2.26-4 fixes the problem. I'll report back if this doesn't work but let's assume for the moment things will go well.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #10
Is the conversion from Arch the same as Arch-OpenRC?  If you have an arch or arch based systemd system, can you convert to Artix as easily following the applicable procedure moves?
This is for migrating from systemd. The guide at is for migrating from arch and manjaro openrc.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #11
welp.. I just spent a couple of hours getting my system back after updating something, and since this topic shows the kernel panic I was getting, I post the problem here:
glibc-2.26-? ( I have -4 )
after trying all steps above and a few others I found, i saw a post somewhere (cant access now since it was on a temporary login but search that error), they suggested downgrading glibc.  did that, and I was finally able to boot back into the system and fix things. 
so FYI, if you get OPs error after upgrading glibc/linux-lts try downgrading glibc back

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #12
Honestly FML
Just got this issue after building my own kernel, spent hours switching between old and new kernels, redoing grub from scratch, manually configuring mkinitcpio and grub, and reinstalling everything kernel and bootloader related. Finally gave up after so many hours with searches only leading me to people who had broken their /lib64 (which I had not)
Decided to do a full rebuild instead from the live CD as I was actually on arch migrated to artix, and now I find this. Great, thanks google, not.

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #13
After the 3rd attempt to get Manja-Openrc to Artix which worked, it took about a week to realize how to really clean it up.
With pacman you would get a list of all packages that said that were newer versions of those in the system (artix).
I used either yaourt-gui or pamac because you can see what each of those pkgs's origin was and which was an arix version.  You just choose the one from the artix repositories which throws away the later non-artix version.  It took a little time but it is only then you know you have a real artix installation.
I had wondered whether Manjaro-Settings gui would work at all in Artix, but the important parts of it didn't.  That was the last little bit left of the old into the new.    At a friend's pc we had an old Manjaro 17.01 since May-June-update we tried to convert, and it still listed pkgs newer than Artix.  After a couple of failures just for the learning experience, we dumped it, installed clean artix and all the non-manjaro pkgs, the old fstab and the old home, and it was running like an ace.  Unless you have spent years in customizing conf. files that may or may not work in Artix I doubt very much if the conversion is of any value. 

Re: [INFO]Kernel Panic after update

Reply #14
after last nights upgrade I get kernel panic in all three of my installations. 
The first error message says - error in line 28 (or is it 20 I have a bad monitor which is hard to read in console) of  init
Anyone else?