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Topic: Usung Artix in your real digital life (Read 1444 times) previous topic - next topic
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Usung Artix in your real digital life

I know we have a lot of hackers and experimenters on board, but I'd like to just round out perspective by telling you how I use my Artix systems day to day.  It is my complete computing solution at this point:  I edit, code, publish, play games, network, talk, listen to radio and TV, publish, create new art, marketing, and more.

Apache, Modperl, Perl, C++, Antlr compiler development engine, Java Development, Dia and systems programing and design, VIM, HTML, Make, GCC, Git, Eclipse, CLIPS, Gradle, SSH

Openshot, Bender, Flowblade,  FFMPEG

Photo Editing:
Gimp, viewnoir

Scribus, Libreoffice, inkscape

VLC, WINTV, Kaffiene, for over the air TV and FM radio, dvdrip to rip dvd, gtk-transmision, pop corn time

Crossfire (realtime)

Phone service:
Skype in the browser to call Israel overseas
vlc, pidgen

communications:  hexchat, Pidgen,

Printing:  Guttenberg, Cups


libreoffice calc

Dictionaries:  look

Okular to read comics

Porn:  We don't do porn...sorry.

Asktisks and openslip for phone systems.

Email - Postfix, Dovecot, Mailman,  Thunderbird and Mutt

all running on windowmaker  and keep up atrix mirrors with rsync, bind, dhcpd.

Code: [Select]
flatbush:[ruben]:~$ df -h
Filesystem                        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev                                10M     0   10M   0% /dev
run                                16G  2.2M   16G   1% /run
efivarfs                          118K   45K   69K  40% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/sda2                         898G  470G  429G  53% /
shm                                16G   15M   16G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3                         499M  296K  499M   1% /boot/efi
tmpfs                             3.2G   12K  3.2G   1% /run/user/1000
home2:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/  900G  616G  238G  73% /home/ruben/mnt4
/dev/sdb1                         4.6T  3.7T  954G  80% /home/ruben/mnt
/dev/sdc1                         1.9T  1.7T  133G  93% /home/ruben/mnt3
/dev/sde                          235G  203G   20G  92% /home/ruben/mnt2

I'm not really missing anything.  It is all a blessing.

Re: Usung Artix in your real digital life

Reply #1

I have been using Artix OpenRC XFCE on different PCs since 2019.

Here is what I add after updating the system:

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu alacarte amd-ucode audacious audacity avidemux-qt bash-completion bzip2 catfish cups-openrc cups-pdf dvd+rw-tools easytag faac ffmpegthumbs ffmpegthumbnailer filelight firefox firefox-i18n-fr geeqie gimp gimp-help-fr grsync gsmartcontrol gutenprint gzip inkscape intel-ucode lame librecad libreoffice-fresh-fr libreoffice-fresh lximage-qt meld mjpegtools mtpaint neofetch openshot p7zip pamac pdfarranger pitivi pstoedit qastools screenkey scribus simplescreenrecorder smplayer tex-gyre-fonts thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-fr trizen viewnior volumeicon vorbis-tools xsane xsane-gimp xsensors xournalpp zim

If you want to install everything that goes with XFCE4:
Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Sy xfce4-goodies

I add the very useful Dolphin file manager to Artix xfce

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Sy ark dolphin kdegraphics-thumbnailers kimageformats5 oxygen-icons qt5-imageformats

Personally I use Oxygen icons and Adwaita themes in xfce4 settings manager

For Artix, from the AUR repositories, I added:
kim4 (very practical for dolphin) and xfce4-kbdleds-plugin (for a keyboard without LED)

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Sy base-devel linux-headers

To find and install a package using trizen (kim4 for example):
trizen kim4

Re: Usung Artix in your real digital life

Reply #2
what kind of work do you do with your system?

Re: Usung Artix in your real digital life

Reply #4
It all boils down to personal preference, but there are 2 pieces of software in these categories that set the standards:
Openshot, Bender, Flowblade,  FFMPEG
VLC, WINTV, Kaffiene, for over the air TV and FM radio, dvdrip to rip dvd, gtk-transmision, pop corn time

Also, I can't really understand why people torrent media instead of paying for it! </sarcasm>