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Topic: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer. (Read 14380 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #15
No its not going to solve any problem that was not the point its to try and help you that is all.
All the AB installer will prove is you have a problem with install nothing more as i have not that is the problem.
when the net is fast enough again I will try the latest version of the ISO, all I know is the i3 version works fine for me that is more than the calamares manjaro installer ever did.
But if this was my project I would use a text installer I really do not like GUI installers just find them non friendly but that is me.
 you can also use the arch installer the are instructions somewhere on how to use it
I also apologise if I sounded hard on you
No prob.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #16
I can't talk for the current iso but the original first iso worked fine, always, and on every machine I tried.
On the other hand I spent almost a whole day fighting AB and it messy installation that I wondered how can it be based on Artix and still be so dysfunctional.  I finally gave up.
My first experience with calamares I think was in siduction and that worked well also.
For some unexplained reason installations seem to have failed if I use a preformated partition and not use the installer's partitioning tool. 

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #17
But if this was my project I would use a text installer

The first versions of ManORC were using a text installer, and it was fine for me.
If it is less work, why not?

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #18
Apparently, the manjaro version used the exact same freaking installer, and manjaro openrc is history.
I still have the ISOs (all) from the 15.12, they all install smoothly on the same machine (without LUKS).
The installer is the same software, but not the script behind obviously.
AFAK the very 1rst ISO of Artix was working.

The installer works, new iso is out, tested whatnot.

Thanks, I will give it a try.
I want to check if I can get a stable environment on Plasma or Maté.
I never reached that point.


Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #20
We're not. Do you need a photograph ;-) ?

Btw Why would someone do that?
No its just you both said basically the same thing that's all as if you were in the same room,
Believe me a certain well Known you-tube reviewer did with his mates 2,000 spammers to us. My friend Carl could not take any more and walked away from the project A week later this person openly apologised for what he had done and admitted there was nothing wrong with the installer but it was to late. another project was spammed for  months by a user even police had to get involved when they started getting death threats. This is the dark side of Linux it happened at Manjaro also about a month ago.
So yes it does happen more often than we know
Yes text install all the way I find them simple to use but I started with text installers and found GUI cumbersome. For me the Manjaro text installer just worked when I was involved with Architect not Manjaro-architect we even offered to adapt a simplified version for Manjaro but were told to go away.  

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #21
No its just you both said basically the same thing that's all as if you were in the same room,
Believe me a certain well Known you-tube reviewer did with his mates 2,000 spammers to us. My friend Carl could not take any more and walked away from the project A week later this person openly apologised for what he had done and admitted there was nothing wrong with the installer but it was to late. another project was spammed for  months by a user even police had to get involved when they started getting death threats. This is the dark side of Linux it happened at Manjaro also about a month ago.
So yes it does happen more often than we know
Yes text install all the way I find them simple to use but I started with text installers and found GUI cumbersome. For me the Manjaro text installer just worked when I was involved with Architect not Manjaro-architect we even offered to adapt a simplified version for Manjaro but were told to go away. 
No we are not same person, although we may have met over at Manjaro forums. (fora, in case someone is paying attention to grammar and spelling)
Btw, how many people are involved in Artix project? More that half dozen? If so, why isn't anyone, except Artoo responding to this issue? Mandog, you are looking like their spokesperson.
Let's get back to the issue. As someone who successfully installed Artix on 5 different machines can you tell us how you did it.
Starting with creating bootable media. What tool did you use to create media? Did you install on already partitioned HD? Or created fresh partitions? Legacy BIOS or UEFI?

Something's gotta be the key to success, since this iso does not work like any other I tried.

Thanks again mandog!

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #22
We're not. Do you need a photograph ;-) ?

Btw Why would someone do that?
No we are not same person, although we may have met over at Manjaro forums. (fora, in case someone is paying attention to grammar and spelling)
Btw, how many people are involved in Artix project? More that half dozen? If so, why isn't anyone, except Artoo responding to this issue? Mandog, you are looking like their spokesperson.
Let's get back to the issue. As someone who successfully installed Artix on 5 different machines can you tell us how you did it.
Starting with creating bootable media. What tool did you use to create media? Did you install on already partitioned HD? Or created fresh partitions? Legacy BIOS or UEFI?

Something's gotta be the key to success, since this iso does not work like any other I tried.

Thanks again mandog!
Actually mandog, don't worry about it. After reading this post it is obvious that Artix installer is a joke

I wish I read that thread before ranting in this one.
It proves that Artix installer is a joke! But devs keep denying it.
I am done here, going back to my collective. You failed to save me from Borg!

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #23
No its just you both said basically the same thing that's all as if you were in the same room,
Believe me a certain well Known you-tube reviewer did with his mates 2,000 spammers to us. My friend Carl could not take any more and walked away from the project A week later this person openly apologised for what he had done and admitted there was nothing wrong with the installer but it was to late. another project was spammed for  months by a user even police had to get involved when they started getting death threats. This is the dark side of Linux it happened at Manjaro also about a month ago.
So yes it does happen more often than we know
Yes text install all the way I find them simple to use but I started with text installers and found GUI cumbersome. For me the Manjaro text installer just worked when I was involved with Architect not Manjaro-architect we even offered to adapt a simplified version for Manjaro but were told to go away.

I also used the text installer for non-virtual-machine builds. It is bias-ly preferable since less abstraction is needed from the actual tools used to mount/copyPaste/chroot/config and so on. More so for me than others since I use a different cipher and key size for luks encryption than the default; the text installer would ask where to install what, install, and then I'd manually edit the fstab and other configs necessary for luks type.

In fact I used older install disks from manjaro just to be able to use the Achitect text installer. Calamares generally worked for a simple or default encrypt install though; it also is a great collaboration of resources between many distros for a GUI installer. I'd still say Calamares is young and has more room to grow. (installing on the side from another windows/linux partion comes to mind)

For installing Artix, I used an Manjaro Openrc install that was uptodate at the time and transitioned using the then uptodate . Twas a legacy bios. Now use the current for an Openrc to openrc migration.

I don't think it is for the faint of heart. Some arch know how is needed. Please do a virtualbox/QEMU run or a btrfs snapshot  beforehand in case things go wayside. ALWAYS backup your data beforehand and as a general rule of thumb do so periodically outside of migration/installation instances.

Will check if a fresh artix install works.

PS: I think mentioning that installing the arch way is possible and we even some reference on site. Warned that it is not a uptodate due to not fixing the mirrors among other nit picks; it is not a hold your hand guide

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #24
I believe that every new distro has bugs which does take time to address. It is clearly stated that at this point that Artix Linux is a work in progress. I have installed Artix as an upgrade with Archlinux fully systemd installation without an up to-date guide. I have installed Aritx with the first LXQT ISO as well. I used the manual way to install just like Archlinux. I had a working system afterwards.
To just come into a forum and rant without providing any information on your errors or what issues were confronting you is just so... well a rant. It comes across like a troll which I hope that you are not.
It can be very frustrating to want something and not be able to achieve or obtain it. I view your comments in this thread in that fashion.
Now if you truly want to be free of systemd with pacman and a warm community, I would suggest taking a deep breath and explain the issues that are arising. Once the issues are know, I am sure that they will be addressed. It is impossible to know every combination of hardware, configuration and stuff to provide error free software. In fact I do not know of any software nor OS that is error free. I have been using computers since the 1980s. Yes that was in the days of DOS. Windows and Linux was not even in existence.
If you look at Devaun the Debian systemd free distro, it took them a couple of years to get to a stable release. Thus it would look like you are impatience to say the least.
I hold no grudges because life is too short to hold on to negativity since it always comes back to haunt one. So please take care and try to be calm. You will enjoy life more and have more fun.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #25
I believe that every new distro has bugs which does take time to address. It is clearly stated that at this point that Artix Linux is a work in progress. I have installed Artix as an upgrade with Archlinux fully systemd installation without an up to-date guide. I have installed Aritx with the first LXQT ISO as well. I used the manual way to install just like Archlinux. I had a working system afterwards.
To just come into a forum and rant without providing any information on your errors or what issues were confronting you is just so... well a rant. It comes across like a troll which I hope that you are not.
It can be very frustrating to want something and not be able to achieve or obtain it. I view your comments in this thread in that fashion.
Now if you truly want to be free of systemd with pacman and a warm community, I would suggest taking a deep breath and explain the issues that are arising. Once the issues are know, I am sure that they will be addressed. It is impossible to know every combination of hardware, configuration and stuff to provide error free software. In fact I do not know of any software nor OS that is error free. I have been using computers since the 1980s. Yes that was in the days of DOS. Windows and Linux was not even in existence.
If you look at Devaun the Debian systemd free distro, it took them a couple of years to get to a stable release. Thus it would look like you are impatience to say the least.
I hold no grudges because life is too short to hold on to negativity since it always comes back to haunt one. So please take care and try to be calm. You will enjoy life more and have more fun.

I agree wholehardedly. Artix is still a baby, barely a 3-4 month old. As it is human created, logically Artix is to have imperfections; Borg we are not; perfection we do not reflect.

Even manjaro was even having issues, installation included, in its early development. I dealt with that first hand.

@7of9 If we can still be of help many of us would be willing to lend a hand, given some information. No charge.

Otherwise, there are other distros, older and maybe more amenable to you, that you can give a try. Void Linux, Alpine, Gentoo, Devaun, Cromnix, and others listed on . Maybe you can come back later when Artix is much more mature (a year?).

Overall, I hope Artix does resemble a warm community, concensus and keeps on doing so. :)

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #26
Just as a note,

I personally dislike calamares so much, I hope we can offer some alternatives to it in the future, I also like the idea of having a text installer but guys, if calamaes doesn't works for you, why don't you try the manual installation steps described in this post?

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #27
To just come into a forum and rant without providing any information on your errors or what issues were confronting you is just so... well a rant.

There are screenshots in the initial post.
yes, this is a rant, it is in the title.

Btw, why providing info, since it ALWAYS fail no matter the system? even virtualbox (I rarely saw that).

if calamaes doesn't works for you, why don't you try the manual installation steps described in this post?

let me explain: calamares script doesn't work AT ALL. Not only for me. For everyone.

Second: I refuse to get back to command line for such a stupid process as Install, we were doing that 10 years ago. Now I have a job, I have very little for that.

A text installer would be perfectly fine for me. Doing the LUKS stuff by hand, no trouble.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #28
Otherwise, there are other distros, older and maybe more amenable to you, that you can give a try. Void Linux, Alpine, Gentoo, Devaun, Cromnix, and others listed on . Maybe you can come back later when Artix is much more mature (a year?).

There are no other distro ready for a laptop without systemd, stable enough, with a community, except: Devuaan,
I wll try Arch Bang, Void Linux is too small. MX Linux (MX 16) is nice. I tried TRIOS once.
Gentoo/Calculate maybe? I would rather stay in the pacman world, I really love AUR.

Meanwhile, the most effective choice regarding time wasted in setup/post-configuration: I just installed Antergos - With systemd.
So that I can continue working without spending hours to fix things already fixed a hundred times (like suspend/hybernate/sound/iphone not recongnized/special keys..)

btw, Antergos's installer is simple & effective.
But I would be totally comfortable with a text installer.

Re: Ranting day: I never reached the end of the the installer.

Reply #29
The installer works, new iso is out, tested whatnot.
Where? The iso has the same date?! Is it the LXqt ISO at sourceforge?
Also, why providing 3 isos while people would like just 1 that actually work?
depending on the mirrors, ISOs have the same date but not the same size, am I wrong?