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Topic: VLC, configuration problems. (Read 1327 times) previous topic - next topic
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VLC, configuration problems.


I have a problem with vlc, the only way i can get it works 'more or less' … is by configurate the section ‘video’ at preferences with this output:

Xvideo (xcb)

i tried other options too without any result ... the video crash or the subtitle i create with youtube-dl are not coming ...

Thanks for any idea.
Desktop: xfce

Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7640G integrated graphics
GPU: AMD/ATI Trinity [Radeon HD 7640G]

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #1,1017.0.html
Downgrading to 3.0.6-12 solved my VLC problems:
Code: [Select]
$ cd /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
# pacman -U vlc-3.0.6-12-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
I added this line to /etc/pacman.conf
IgnorePkg   = vlc

# pacman -Syu
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: vlc: ignoring package upgrade (3.0.6-12 =>
Try it again if a newer version appears by removing the IgnorePkg, and if it still doesn't work then go back to the cached version for a while longer.  Although if you want to debug and fix the current version then don't let me stop you. :)

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #2
After years of stability over the last year or 2 VLC has got unstable since going qt5
you can also try SMplayer some have success with it

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #3
vlc seems to be still gone to shit..  performs very badly in a Sparkylinux install I have (Debian Testing)

in Artix it shows a black screen when running an iso (DVD)image .

Works fine in my Salix (Slackware 14.2) install which has about 2-3 year old software by now


Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #4
Would it be possible to compile/build a 2x version of vlc on Artix?

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #6
No, only latest versions. You could use the AUR to search for older PKGBUILDs. But personally, after mpv I've forgotten everything else...

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #7
VLC is playing DVD's for me OK - but to play pre recorded bought ones I needed to install the optional dependency "libdvdcss" for it to work. Home recorded DVD's played without this package.
I did recently find another VLC problem - when I used the open multiple files menu option and navigated to a folder containing nearly a 1000 jpg's and avi's it didn't display anything at all. Folders with fewer files in were OK. I quite like VLC as it has a lot of features, plus I'm vaguely familiar with how to use them.  ;D

Re: VLC, configuration problems.

Reply #8
Seems I had an old Slackware package from Alienbob pretty close to starting.
Now none of the alternatives work with my isos, (some DVD's ripped with K9Copy years ago if not a decade). Errors are: black screen in vlc, very bad sound in Smplayer, garbled video in (parole or mpv, can't remember
Insult to injury now the sound disappeared too.. :P  booting into Salix (Slackware 14.2) for this atm. No problem.