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Steam won't open

After updating numerous times, rebooting about five times, and doing
Code: [Select]
# pacman -S steam
to reinstall Steam, the program still will not open, and when attempting to open it with a terminal, it gives me this:
Code: [Select]
[tyler@desktop ~]$ steam[4815]: Running Steam on artix rolling 64-bit[4815]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically[4888]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date![4815]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
max open descriptors set to 4096
[tyler@desktop ~]$

After this message, nothing happens, and trying to open the program through GUI nets a similar result of loading for less than five seconds before just closing. If it's an init-system problem, then I'm using the OpenRC init-system, and I am using the proprietary Nvidia drivers.

If anybody could help me diagnose the issue, or if anyone else if having a similar issue with Steam, I would love to hear any feedback!

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #1
After updating numerous times, rebooting about five times, and doing
Code: [Select]
# pacman -S steam
to reinstall Steam, the program still will not open, and when attempting to open it with a terminal, it gives me this:
Code: [Select]
[tyler@desktop ~]$ steam[4815]: Running Steam on artix rolling 64-bit[4815]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically[4888]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date![4815]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
max open descriptors set to 4096
[tyler@desktop ~]$

After this message, nothing happens, and trying to open the program through GUI nets a similar result of loading for less than five seconds before just closing. If it's an init-system problem, then I'm using the OpenRC init-system, and I am using the proprietary Nvidia drivers.

If anybody could help me diagnose the issue, or if anyone else if having a similar issue with Steam, I would love to hear any feedback!
Not an init issue. Too many open files on your computer 4096 is the limit.

You can increase the limit:
Chris Cromer

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #2
Not an init issue. Too many open files on your computer 4096 is the limit.

You can increase the limit:

After doing the suggested fix and rebooting, starting steam in the terminal now outputs this:

Code: [Select]
[tyler@desktop ~]$ steam[3334]: Running Steam on artix rolling 64-bit[3334]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically[3408]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date![3334]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
max open descriptors set to 4096
[2022-02-06 15:01:15] Startup - updater built Jan 16 2022 17:34:43
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1642451672)
SteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
[tyler@desktop ~]$

I terminated after the X Error because it simply hung and did nothing after that.

So I suppose it's an error with Xorg? Not sure how to procede now.

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #3
Do you have the en_US.UTF-8 locale generated?

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #5
Code: [Select]
[tyler@desktop ~]$ cat /etc/locale.conf

It doesn't mean that it is generated, use the following command to check this (but I guess it is generated, you would have had other issues if it wasn't):
Code: [Select]
$ locale -a

Have you followed the instructions on the wiki to install Steam?

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #6
It doesn't mean that it is generated, use the following command to check this (but I guess it is generated, you would have had other issues if it wasn't):
Code: [Select]
$ locale -a

Have you followed the instructions on the wiki to install Steam?

I believe the locales are generated correctly, though I'm not sure if it's case sensitive (The Japanese locale was auto-generated by KDE)

Code: [Select]
[tyler@desktop ~]$ locale -a

And yes, I have both multilib and lib32 in my pacman.conf

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #7
I guess you can search stuff there then.

The thing is that this error is really meaningless and different issues bring to nearly the same result.

I am also currently running an Artix machine with novideo proprietary drivers and steam works well so if anyone else can reproduce the issue maybe we would have more information.

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #8
I guess you can search stuff there then.

The thing is that this error is really meaningless and different issues bring to nearly the same result.

I am also currently running an Artix machine with novideo proprietary drivers and steam works well so if anyone else can reproduce the issue maybe we would have more information.

Yeah, the only helpful thing I might be able to tell you is that it worked until a few days ago, when I updated after not having done it for a while; 312 packages upgraded if I remember correctly. Before then it worked just fine so I just figured it was a problem with the Steam package and that the problem would be rectified in an update soon after I first had the issue. Anyways, thanks for the help, cheers.


Re: Steam won't open

Reply #9
After talking to someone on Github about it, the issue might be that these two packages might be out of sync and causing problems:

lib32-nvidia-utils 510.47.03-1 & nvidia 495.46-2

How can I go about downgrading lib32-nvidida-utils to version 495.46-2?

And again, thank you for all the help so far, I feel this may be the last step in solving my issue.

Re: Steam won't open

Reply #10
After talking to someone on Github about it, the issue might be that these two packages might be out of sync and causing problems:

lib32-nvidia-utils 510.47.03-1 & nvidia 495.46-2

How can I go about downgrading lib32-nvidida-utils to version 495.46-2?

And again, thank you for all the help so far, I feel this may be the last step in solving my issue.
It sounds to me like your pacman.conf is not configured correctly. Either the lib32 repo is not enabled or it isn't before the multilib repo. Can you show us your pacman.conf?
Chris Cromer