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Topic: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1 (Read 2500 times) previous topic - next topic
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Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

I have been trying to install Virtual Manager but I run into the issue that is displayed below when I try to install it

Code: [Select]
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing gst-plugins-base-libs (1.20.1-1) breaks dependency 'gst-plugins-base-libs=1.20.0' required by gst-libav
:: installing gst-plugins-base-libs (1.20.1-1) breaks dependency 'gst-plugins-base-libs=1.20.0' required by gst-plugins-base

From what  I understand from this error is that the current plugins package is not up to date and needs to be upgraded to the latest in order to install Virtual Manager.
I have updated my system so that all the packages would be up to date but it seems to not have changed the issue that I have as it seems that this particular package will not upgrade.
I don't really know what would be the way to solve this issue and upgrade the package manually I would appreciate any help or advice with this problem as I will then be able to proceed with using a Virtual Manager.

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #1
thats odd, 1.20.1-1 is in World and already installed on this machine (same version in Arch's repo.).    But the gst-libav....what version you got?   is it also 1.20.1-1 'cause i think that's  the root issue.    Personally I'd try a sudo pacman -S gst-libav  and see if that throws any errors (its in World so shouldn't, but should tell you if it will break another dependency).   Same goes for gst-plugin-base, 1.20.1-1 in World but maybe not on yours.   And failing that, a yay -Ss gst-libav  just to see where your installed one came from -  at a guess its an old version  that came with an aur package, that didn't get updated by whoever is responsible for it, and thats what causing your present predicament ('cause the artix base isn't the problem, 'cause that package is preventing an update from the artix repo).  At a guess.  :-)   As a last, you're not using pamac by chance?

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #2
thats odd, 1.20.1-1 is in World and already installed on this machine (same version in Arch's repo.).    But the gst-libav....what version you got?   is it also 1.20.1-1 'cause i think that's  the root issue.    Personally I'd try a sudo pacman -S gst-libav  and see if that throws any errors (its in World so shouldn't, but should tell you if it will break another dependency).   Same goes for gst-plugin-base, 1.20.1-1 in World but maybe not on yours.   And failing that, a yay -Ss gst-libav  just to see where your installed one came from -  at a guess its an old version  that came with an aur package, that didn't get updated by whoever is responsible for it, and thats what causing your present predicament ('cause the artix base isn't the problem, 'cause that package is preventing an update from the artix repo).  At a guess.  :-)   As a last, you're not using pamac by chance?
running yay -Ss gst-libav gives me this output
Code: [Select]
aur/mingw-w64-gst-libav 1.20.1-1 (+0 0.00) 
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework ffmpeg Plugin (mingw-w64)
aur/mingw-w64-gst-libav-git 1.16.0.r1.2b6e9d3-1 (+0 0.00)
    GStreamer Multimedia Framework ffmpeg Plugin (mingw-w64)
aur/gst-libav-git 1.16.0.r30.g5a9f3d4-1 (+4 0.00)
    Gstreamer libav Plugin
aur/lib32-gst-libav 1.18.5-1 (+10 0.88) (Out-of-date: 2022-02-23)
    Multimedia graph framework - libav plugin (32-bit)
extra/gst-libav 1.20.1-1 (94.7 KiB 242.5 KiB) (Installed: 1.20.0-3)
    Multimedia graph framework - libav plugin
world/gst-libav 1.20.1-1 (94.7 KiB 242.5 KiB) (Installed: 1.20.0-3)
    Multimedia graph framework - libav plugin
It appears that lib32-gst-libav is out of date and is the package that needs to be updated, putting in 'yay -S lib32-gst-libav' attempts to install the package but I end up with this error.
Code: [Select]
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Starting build()...
ERROR: cuda_llvm requested but not found

If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from Git.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
[email protected] mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on
Include the log file "ffbuild/config.log" produced by configure as this will help
solve the problem.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
not really sure where to go from here there's an arch forum post about getting cuda_llvm but it not sure how to apply. I am using pacman.


Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #3
why are you trying to install from the aur a lib32 app?  doesn't artix have a repo for lib32 apps?  if lib32-gst-libav wants a dependency that it can't find then yoiu will have to build that dependency, ie cuda_llvm.  sounds like a proprietary nvidia something or other though.  Are you running a nvidia card on your system?

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

surely there's lib32-gst files in that repo that offer the function you need?  maybe?

try removing lib32-gst-libav and see what if anything it complains about breaking?  If nothing, then get rid of it!  If something try the repo above and see if any of the lib32-gst apps provide the same service?
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #4
and what was the error when you ran:   sudo pacman -S gst-libav

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #5
and what was the error when you ran:   sudo pacman -S gst-libav
Code: [Select]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing gst-plugins-base-libs (1.20.1-1) breaks dependency 'gst-plugins-base-libs=1.20.0' required by gst-plugins-base
This is what I get when I use sudo pacman -S gst-libav

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #6
why are you trying to install from the aur a lib32 app?  doesn't artix have a repo for lib32 apps?  if lib32-gst-libav wants a dependency that it can't find then yoiu will have to build that dependency, ie cuda_llvm.  sounds like a proprietary nvidia something or other though.  Are you running a nvidia card on your system?

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

surely there's lib32-gst files in that repo that offer the function you need?  maybe?

try removing lib32-gst-libav and see what if anything it complains about breaking?  If nothing, then get rid of it!  If something try the repo above and see if any of the lib32-gst apps provide the same service?

I do have a nvidia GPU not sure what that means for me if I want to install virt-viewer, might try compiling cuda_llvm using that website and see if that works

Re: Package gst-plugins-base-libs is 1.20.0 doesn't seem to upgrade to 1.20.1-1

Reply #7
Ok turns out I didn't do the full system upgrade with sudo pacman -Syu and because of that its why I didn't really have that package, I usually upgrade my system using sudo pacman -Sy

Thank you for the all the help