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Topic: [Tracker] Dinit support (Read 9279 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #30
I found a way to disable the dbus login1 service adding 'disable' at the end of file name.
i tried also
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rdd elogind

xorg starts but mouse and keyboard doesn't work

furthermore, at boot this error is reported:
Code: [Select]
dinit: Service tmpfiles-setup command failed with exit code 73
[Failed] tmpfiles-setup

it seems that more work will be required to use seatd with dinit.....

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #32
I tried disabling the dbus service, after adding my user to the input group, and now i can start openbox without problem.
i don't now if seatd is used, i don't have a DM. I will try to disable seatd tomorrow.
Artix developers must only fix the tmpfiles errors at boot :)

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #33
I found a way to disable the dbus login1 service adding 'disable' at the end of file name.
i tried also
Code: [Select]
pacman -Rdd elogind

xorg starts but mouse and keyboard doesn't work

furthermore, at boot this error is reported:
Code: [Select]
dinit: Service tmpfiles-setup command failed with exit code 73
[Failed] tmpfiles-setup

it seems that more work will be required to use seatd with dinit.....
Well that's interesting. I'll take a look later, but tmpfiles-setup only "depends on" udev-settle for the sole purpose of boot sequence.
now only the dinit guy in artix

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #34
removing fuse-dinit does not remove /etc/dinit.d/fuse

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #35
it seems taht recent updates fixed the error message

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #36
removing gpm-dinit does not remove /etc/dinit/boot.d/gpm

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #37
removing fuse-dinit does not remove /etc/dinit.d/fuse

No? See screenshot.
clean removal: pacman has a list of every file in a package; this way, no files are unintentionally left behind when you decide to remove a package.

removing gpm-dinit does not remove /etc/dinit/boot.d/gpm
The file /etc/dinit/boot.d/gpm doesn't belong to any package, which can be verified with
Code: [Select]
pacman -Fy /etc/dinit/boot.d/gpm
so pacman doesn't have to remove it.

Dinit 2022 07 13 plasma iso-install worked well with post tweak to clamd-dinit

Reply #38
I had a chance to try the latest dinit image, artix-plasma-dinit-20220713-x86_64.iso when the silence dead of my nvme root drive caused me to rebuild everything from the get go. The installation process when as painless as one can expect when rebuilding the universe.
All I customized really was the fstab entries with getting the other disks going and my tmpfs entries for my ~/.cache  and /tmp folders.
After getting everything back, I install clamav-dinit and enabled it. Dinitctl enabled and started the clamd daemon without any error. Upon reboot though it failed with error 2 restarting too fast stopped. I edited the /etc/dinit.d/clamd file and changed the wait for pseudofs to sysusers as it also started successfully once I got logged in and manually start through dinitctl. I liked that it worked without issue after the edit. I have freshclam running via a cron job for the updates (I use fcron). All the other dinit startup processes have worked so far including openvpn which was only edited to connect to a commercial VPN server configuration file.

Here is the clamd file that worked for me.  :)
Code: [Select]
$ cat /etc/dinit.d/clamd
type            = process
command         = /etc/dinit.d/scripts/clamd
smooth-recovery = true
logfile         = /var/log/dinit/clamd.log
waits-for       = sysusers

Even though it was not a happy day when I started my computer up only to see the BIOS displayed show up with the NVME no longer present one morning a week ago, I was very pleased with the ease to get my system running with my favourite distro's graphical installer. My humble thanks to the tireless devs who have brought us mere mortals Artix Linux.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #39

First of all, thank you for maintaining "Dinit" init system.

I'm using "Dinit" with KDE fresh install using weekly community ISO.

So, the issue is that, acpid fails to start on boot. But it starts fine when I start it manually after boot.

The following is what it says in the boot screen.

dinit: acpid: execution failed - setting up standard input/output descriptors: No such file or directory

Here is what shows in the dinit status after boot.

% sudo dinitctl status acpid
Service: acpid
    State: STOPPED (could not be launched)
        Stage: setting up standard input/output descriptors
        Error: No such file or directory

After starting it manually with "sudo dinitctl start acpid".

% sudo dinitctl status acpid
Service: acpid
    State: STARTED
    Activation: explicitly started
    Process ID: xxxx

(WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)

When I start the process manually using "sudo dinitctl start acpid", the file magically appears.

Request you to look into this issue. Thank you.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #40
and doing a:

 sudo dinitctl enable acpid

followed by a restart has no effect?

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #41
and doing a:

 sudo dinitctl enable acpid

followed by a restart has no effect?
acpid service is already enabled by default. So, this does not change anything.

Anyway, here is what it says.

% sudo dinitctl enable acpid     
dinitctl: service already enabled.


Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #43
Is your /var or /var/log on a separate partition?

The only cause that I know of for a "no such file or directory" error message in that stage of dinit is opening the log file.

Re: [Tracker] Dinit support

Reply #44
just a quick question, when you say - "I'm using "Dinit" with KDE fresh install using weekly community ISO", have you changed your init, as the only weekly community .iso is openrc?
Nope, nothing like that. I downloaded the "Dinit" ISO (artix-plasma-dinit-20221205-x86_64.iso) from Artix Linux primary mirror, France.

Is your /var or /var/log on a separate partition?

The only cause that I know of for a "no such file or directory" error message in that stage of dinit is opening the log file.
Nope, everything is in the same partition, including "home" directory.