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Topic: Why does systemd exist? (Read 408 times) previous topic - next topic
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Why does systemd exist?

Around 10 years ago, at age 17. i started using linux right before systemd became the default on debian.
I didn't really know what i was doing.
I just followed a guide on forums and stuff.
Installing the nvidia drivers required me to disable the display manager, enter tty console, and blacklist nouveau drivers.
Since then, linux has evolved allot.

I'm a solo developer, working on my own projects. Never worked for a big company.

Why does systemd exist and why should i care about it?
What exactly does systemd bring to the table that alternative "modular standalone software" does not?
And why not just create an alternative to elogind? How hard could it be?
How many systemd shims does artix use? elogind, etmpfiles, etc...

Systemd seems to keep growing forever, adding its own way of doing things on top of the existing linux userspace that's already installed on the system.
Basically duplicated software.
After trying many times to learn it, i found it too difficult finding the relevant documentation for it.
The systemd website does not explain how to use systemd indepth.
The manpages are all over the place in an unorganized way.
No good books are written about it either. Imaging paying $$$ for documentation.

Systemd currently has 465 open bug issues.
This makes my eyes hurt.

I plan on migrating to artix, currently on arch linux.


Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #2
I think the question should be "Why systemd was adopted at such an astonishing rate"... And the answer is - control and money.

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #3
always good to read, which shows the real motivations of redhat/ibm..

I think the question should be "Why systemd was adopted at such an astonishing rate"... And the answer is - control and money.
exactly :(

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #4
I'm saying since years: When Ballmer said "Linux is cancer", he was right. - But he meant systemd.

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #5
Speaking of (in this case a bit less) money I want to reference the Pmos thread,6579.msg40103.html#msg40103
this came recently
Why fund this project and not (insert my favorite project that needs attention)?
postmarketOS has very limited funds, and this is a hard decision. However, the team has identified the lack of compatibility between musl and systemd as one of the critical points to improve the future stability of postmarketOS.

Keep comments about this more silent if you can, you know.
Also, I would say don't hate on them, the fight for independence can be vicious sometimes.

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #6
all this good,
but can you explain why ALL mainstream distros switched and still using systemd if it so evil thing?
how systemd can control and how it make money at all about that?

answer here?
-=linux its buggy crap that have no antifool protection (c)=- :)
*linux is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY* :)

Re: Why does systemd exist?

Reply #9
systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective

SSL cert expired but worth a read, or at least a scan, if you want to know some of the history of how we got to where we are (or at least to 2020) with distro's and systemd.

But the short answer is Redhat, money,  power and the growth of cloud computing imho.
What does it do for cloud computing?