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Topic: eso on intel 630 graphics (Read 134 times) previous topic - next topic
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eso on intel 630 graphics

i'm getting really bad performance on artix, even at the absolute lowest possible settings but on windows 10 i kinda do ok on medium settings.  Not amazing tbs but sorta playable.  On artix i get these hard stutters where the screen doesnt update for a few seconds and i'm left to wonder whats going on and then the machine catches up and i'm ok again.  This doesn't happen in windows even on the slightly higher settings.  I wonder if anyone here plays that game and might have some suggestions.
Cat Herders of Linux

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #1
Chənge some settings


Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #5
The joke here is, how would I know?

What emulator are you using? what version of wine? or eggroll?

Give more info.

Re: eso on intel 630 graphics

Reply #6
The joke here is, how would I know?

What emulator are you using? what version of wine? or eggroll?

Give more info.
I use steam and whatever version of proton they are using.  I guess I could try which versions they have as options.

I ordered this:

And this:

I think amd hope that will sort me out.  I hope amd open source drivers will be compatible with these gpus!!???!!!!???
Cat Herders of Linux