I have been using Artix OpenRC XFCE on different PCs since 2019.
Here is what I add after updating the system:
sudo pacman -Syu alacarte amd-ucode audacious audacity avidemux-qt bash-completion bzip2 catfish cups-openrc cups-pdf dvd+rw-tools easytag faac ffmpegthumbs ffmpegthumbnailer filelight firefox firefox-i18n-fr geeqie gimp gimp-help-fr grsync gsmartcontrol gutenprint gzip inkscape intel-ucode lame librecad libreoffice-fresh-fr libreoffice-fresh lximage-qt meld mjpegtools mtpaint neofetch openshot p7zip pamac pdfarranger pitivi pstoedit qastools screenkey scribus simplescreenrecorder smplayer tex-gyre-fonts thunderbird thunderbird-i18n-fr trizen viewnior volumeicon vorbis-tools xsane xsane-gimp xsensors xournalpp zim
If you want to install everything that goes with XFCE4:
sudo pacman -Sy xfce4-goodies
I add the very useful Dolphin file manager to Artix xfce
sudo pacman -Sy ark dolphin kdegraphics-thumbnailers kimageformats5 oxygen-icons qt5-imageformats
Personally I use Oxygen icons and Adwaita themes in xfce4 settings manager
For Artix, from the AUR repositories, I added:
kim4 (very practical for dolphin) and xfce4-kbdleds-plugin (for a keyboard without LED)
Beforehand: sudo pacman -Sy base-devel linux-headers
To find and install a package using trizen (kim4 for example):
trizen kim4