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Topic: Artix needs your help (Read 62604 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #15
The ISOs subdir in mirror1 syncs separately from sourceforge and is not exported through rsyncd. We use a top-level directory of artix-linux to make it easier for secondary mirrors to discern what (and where) they're downloading. If you rsync directly from  rsync:// you'll get the repo subdirs neatly tucked below artix-linux.

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #16
Do we have new mirrors that need to be added to the artix-mirrorlist package?

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #17
The ISOs subdir in mirror1 syncs separately from sourceforge and is not exported through rsyncd. We use a top-level directory of artix-linux to make it easier for secondary mirrors to discern what (and where) they're downloading. If you rsync directly from  rsync:// you'll get the repo subdirs neatly tucked below artix-linux.

That doesn't apear to be how it is behaving.  The subdirs yes, but not a root named repos.

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #19
You can rsync from mirror1 into whatever directory you like. Your mirror doesn't have to have a repos or an artix-linux or a freshdonuts URL.

well, I did it and it has a repos and is an exact copy of mirror1 new

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #20
This article is old by 6 months.  Is this still an issue?

i have an ryzen5 2400g apu with 16gb ram and i am about to install artix on the ssd.  Would you like some access to the hardware for package building?

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #22
You can rsync from mirror1 into whatever directory you like. Your mirror doesn't have to have a repos or an artix-linux or a freshdonuts URL.

so I am confused about what I am doing wrong?

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #25
Am I looking at the wrong mirror?

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #26
probably.  I didn't notice and I am not sure what caused that.

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #27
Code: [Select]
00 */1 * * *   rsync -avz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/nylxs/mirror/repos/ 2>&1 > /dev/null

Re: Artix needs your help

Reply #28

using full path to rsync binary
check under what user rsync runs from that cronjob
check if the write permissions are there for the local 'repos' dir

start by ditching the 2>&1 > /dev/null  so you can get some output for debugging

also, the timing is simpler as   0 * * * *   - 0 minute of every hour.

I use a local mail server to get notifications from cron and other things, helps with finding bugs.